Registration via e-mail is now possible: coding(at) and/or the ZSB.
When: Mon, 04/03/2013 to Thu, 04/06/2013, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day
Where: Faculty 03 - Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
When: Tue (!), 11.04.23 to Fri. 14.04.23, each 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Where: Faculty of Business Administration and Economics
For both locations:
- Max. 25 participants (waiting list may apply)
- Minimum age is 13 years
- Participation free of charge (incl. lunch in the canteen)
- classic programming (Raspberry PI, mobile app, games) and site-specific topics
- Also: topic specials on artificial intelligence (AI) and IT security
- supporting program: hacker game, robot NAO, VR
Event website:
The specific program, flyers and further information will be added to the website in the coming weeks.