eLearning for students

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.
eLearning for Students

At The Hochschule Niederrhein you will encounter many offers for digitalized learning: The learning platform Moodle accompanies and supports you throughout your studies. From the introductory week to the thesis, Moodle offers location- and time-independent access to digital learning materials and activities as well as a variety of opportunities for communication and collaboration with your fellow students and lecturers.

In addition to Moodle, lecturers use other digital tools that contribute to your learning success, e.g. video conferencing, whiteboards or voting systems. You may already be familiar with Moodle and some digital tools from other educational contexts. To help you quickly find your way around, this page provides information about Moodle and digitalized learning.

Digitization brings many opportunities but also challenges. The digital etiquette guide of the Hochschule Niederrhein gives you recommendations for good and successful interaction and contains information on the legal framework.

Answers your questions about Moodle, eLearning, eAssessment

In Moodle, first-year students can find information about their Degree programme and tips on how to organize their everyday studies. Students can find materials on courses, bridge courses and tutorials in Moodle courses and a variety of activities, e.g. online tests to check their learning progress and forums for exchanging information and collaborating with fellow students.

Moodle - how does it work?

  • Moodle introductions to first-year students are held regularly at the start of the semester as part of the introductory weeks. The learning platform is introduced and access ("enrollment key") to online materials and learning activities in Moodle courses is explained.
  • To get started with Moodle, we recommend the Moodle for freshmen guide and the video How does Moodle actually work?
  • Students can also design their own courses, e.g. for learning and working groups. If you want to learn more about Moodle, you can find extensive information on the page eLearning for lecturers.
  • Moodle is used in many tutorials. In the university-wide tutor program you will be methodically and didactically prepared for your assignment as a tutor.


The Zoom video conferencing service is a central tool for digital, synchronous teaching education at HS Niederrhein.

  • You can access your personal Zoom account in the web interface via https://hs-niederrhein.zoom.us/. You can log in with your university account.

  • Alternatively, you can obtain the local client from Zoom, where you log in via SSO using the domain "hs-niederrhein".

  • You will find further information in the Zoom Help Center of the provider.

  • Tips for participating in online events can be found in the Moodle course EASI - Studying made easy.

We have also compiled frequent questions and answers to help you successfully participate in meetings or hold your own events in video conferences:

FAQ - Participate in Zoom meetings

How do I take part in a Zoom meeting?
There is a link for each Zoom meeting, which you will receive from your lecturer or find in your Moodle course. You can also use Zoom for learning groups, student projects or tutorials. As a participant, you will receive the link from the person who sets up the Zoom meeting. You can find out how to set up a Zoom meeting in the right-hand column.

As a participant, click on the link and confirm with "Open link" when the "Start application" window opens. When using Zoom for the first time, you will first be instructed to install the Zoom app. If Zoom participation is password-protected, you will now be asked for the password - enter the password and confirm by clicking "Join the meeting". In the following window, select whether you want to join the meeting with or without a picture. As a rule, you do not need to register with Zoom to take part in a meeting.

I have already registered with Zoom, how can I register with my university account?
Log in with your university account via the URL https://hs-niederrhein.zoom.us. In other places, e.g. on the Zoom website or in the app, please select the item "Login via SSO" and enter the organizational domain "hs-niederrhein". You will then be redirected to the university's login page and can log in with your university ID. It is not possible to log in directly with your e-mail address and password.

Can I now transfer my Zoom account, which I registered with my private e-mail address, to the university e-mail address?
No, as you have to log in via the URL mentioned above, no transfer is possible.

When I click on the link, I am supposed to download a file, what do I do?
Depending on your configuration, you may need to download a file containing the Zoom app to join a Zoom meeting for the first time. Confirm the download and open the file by double-clicking on it. Then follow the steps as explained in the question above.

Where can I adjust the picture and sound?
You will find various icons at the bottom of the video window. On the left-hand side of the bar, you can switch your sound and image transmission on and off using the audio or video icon. Both icons have a small upward-pointing arrow with which you can call up further options to edit your video and audio settings.

Is it possible to chat or ask questions in writing?
Yes, in the lower icon bar you will find the "Chat" icon in the middle, which you can use to open the chat window.

The other participants can't hear me or can only hear me poorly, what can I do?
If you join a meeting and have not selected ''Always participate in audio via computer'', a prompt will appear. Click on "Test microphone and speakers on computer" to access your audio settings. If you are already in a meeting, click on the up arrow next to "Mute" to access your audio settings. You can now test the speaker and microphone in the settings. If the audio quality of your internal microphone is not sufficient, use a headset if necessary. If you cannot be heard at all, check whether your microphone is muted.

Can I take part in a meeting without installing the app?
Yes, if you click on the link provided for the Zoom meeting, you will be redirected to the Zoom website. There you will be asked to download a file, if you do not want to or cannot do this, click on the blue link "Join via your browser". Enter your surname and join the meeting.

Where can I get the desktop client? Where can I get the mobile app?
You can obtain the mobile app as usual from the Google (Play Store) or Apple app stores. You can download the desktop client for Windows, Mac and Linux here: https: //zoom.us/download

Is it possible to open a test meeting beforehand?
Yes, you can hold a test meeting at https://www.zoom.us/test. To participate in the test meeting, proceed as described in question 1. If you would like to invite other participants, click on the small exclamation mark in the top left-hand corner of the window, where you can now view and send the "Invitation link".

How do I use a virtual background?
An open exchange between lecturers and students is an advantage for successful teaching education. In digital lectures via Zoom, it is therefore often more pleasant if lecturers can also see the participants in the lecture, as their reactions and expressions can influence the course of the lecture. However, if you as a participant do not want to give an insight into your private rooms, it is advisable to use a virtual background. You can use the virtual background function to display an image as your background during a Zoom meeting. If you would like to set up a background before a meeting starts, proceed as follows: Start the Zoom application and click on "Settings" (gear icon). Then select the "Virtual background" tab and select a background. Alternatively, you can also upload your own background. If you are already in the meeting and would like to set up a virtual background later, click on the arrow pointing upwards next to "Start/end video" and then select the option "Select virtual background".

What can I do if the camera does not work or is not recognized?
Test your video before a meeting: Click on your profile picture in Zoom and then on "Settings". Then select the "Video" option. You will now see a preview of your camera and can check your settings or select a different camera if necessary. If you are already in the meeting, click on the arrow pointing upwards next to "End video" and select "Video settings". If your camera is still not working, we recommend updating to the latest version or reinstalling the application.

How do I set up a profile picture?
In the event of connection problems, it may exceptionally make sense to do without the video in order to reduce bandwidth. Alternatively, you can set up a profile picture in Zoom in these cases. You have the option of setting up a profile picture if you have created a Zoom account. To access your Zoom profile, log in to the Zoom web portal and click on "Profile". Click on "Change" under the profile picture icon to add your profile picture. You can also delete your profile picture by clicking on "Delete"


If you have any further questionsabout using Zoom Meetings, please visit the Zoom Help Center, which provides detailed information on various topics:

FAQ - Holding Zoom meetings

Who can set up a Zoom meeting & hold it with other students?
Zoom meetings can be used by students for learning groups and projects or similar. In addition, many tutorials are conducted with Zoom. We want you to be able to meet with others in a digital space during your studies.

Do I have to apply for a Zoom license to be able to use Zoom?
No, you can use Zoom as soon as you have a university account.

How can I start a Zoom meeting?
You can start meetings via the URL https://hs-niederrhein.zoom.us/. To do this, click on the "Organizer" button. In the following window, log in with your university account. Now click on "Open link" if the "Start application" window opens. Next, confirm "Join the audio via computer".

Where can I find the advanced settings options for the meetings I have created?
The advanced settings options are only available to you after logging in to the web browser. Click on "Settings" on the left and then select your desired settings under "Meeting".

How do I use a waiting room video?
Open https://hs-niederrhein.zoom.us/.

Select "Login" and log in with your university account. In the left column, select the settings and find the option for waiting room videos in the Meeting tab under Security - Waiting room options - Waiting room customization. There you select the option "one video" and upload the video that you have previously downloaded from the CD portal of the Hochschule Niederrhein: intern.hs-niederrhein.de/corporate-design/.

How can I enable participants to save the chat of a meeting locally?
Before you can save your meeting chat by hand, the setting Chat and the checkbox "Allow users to save chats from the meeting" must be activated. During the meeting, participants can click on the three ... in the chat menu at the bottom of the chat window and then click on "Save chat".

How can I invite other participants if I have already started a meeting?
At the top left of the video window you will find a small button with an exclamation mark. After clicking on the button, the URL of the session will be displayed and you can send it to other participants.

What information do the participants of a meeting I have created need?
Participants need either the combination of meeting ID and meeting password or alternatively the invitation link via URL. Zoom automatically generates an invitation for you, which you can copy and paste elsewhere. You can provide this data by email, in your Moodle course or in another way.

How can I schedule a Zoom meeting for a specific date?
Open https://hs-niederrhein.zoom.us/. Select "Register" and log in with your university account. In the following window you will now find the option "Schedule a meeting" at the top right. Here you can now set the date, time and duration of the meeting and assign a password for participation. Click on "Save". Finally, you can copy the URL of the meeting or send it directly ("Copy the invitation").

I am a tutor and would like to use a Zoom meeting for a weekly event, how can I set up a recurring meeting?
Open https://hs-niederrhein.zoom.us/. Select "Register" and log in with your university account. In the following window you will now find the option "Schedule a meeting" at the top right. In addition to the time and date, you can also select the option "Recurring meeting". Under "Recurrence", select the option "Weekly" and enter the desired day of the week in addition to the frequency. Finally, you can end the recurrence either after one day or after the desired number of weeks (events). The Zoom meeting will now be scheduled for you every week with the same invitation link and the same settings.

How can I give other participants the host role?
In the icon bar at the bottom of the video window, you will find the "Participants" icon, which displays the surnames of the participants. Click on the "More" button next to one of the participants. You can now select "Create host" in the following menu. Alternatively, you can also give participants the role of "Co-host".

How can I share my screen?
Click on the "Share screen" icon in the lower icon bar and then select the window that you want to share. You can find more options offered by Zoom in this PDF. Tips and tricks for a successful meeting can be found here.

How can I send participants to a separate room?
The "Breakout room" function makes it possible to split a Zoom meeting into several separate sessions. To do this, first activate the function in the Zoom settings under "In Meeting (Advanced)". As the host, you can then select the "Breakout session" button in the lower menu bar to create rooms and assign participants. Further information.

If you have any further questions about using Zoom Meetings, please visit the Zoom Help Center, which provides detailed information on various topics:


FAQ - Preparing and using the Zoom whiteboard

What is the Zoom Whiteboard?

The Zoom Whiteboard is a versatile collaboration tool that offers various functions for capturing and collaborating on ideas, processes and concepts. Users can also work on the whiteboard outside of meetings and invite external users to collaborate.

What types of whiteboards are there?

There are two types of whiteboards in Zoom:

  • The simple white board is called up directly in a Zoom meeting via screen sharing and cannot be prepared in advance.

  • The extended white board is opened via the "Whiteboards" button in the Zoom bar. The latter offers more options, is more extensive and can be created before the meeting. The extended whiteboard offers ready-made layouts and structures that save time and simplify the design of content. It allows you to quickly organize and structure information for effective teaching and learning. It also offers more design options than the basic whiteboard and can also be edited outside the Zoom meeting.

How do I create an extended whiteboard?

  • During the Zoom meeting: The extended Zoom whiteboard is available during a Zoom meeting. Once you have started the meeting, you will find the whiteboard option in the bottom bar of the meeting. Select ("more") "Whiteboards" to open the whiteboard and interact with your participants. All whiteboards created are automatically saved in the Zoom Cloud and can be shared as required.

  • Outside of meetings: You can also access Zoom Whiteboards outside of Zoom meetings. Simply log in to the Zoom website or your Zoom desktop client and click on the button for "Whiteboards". Then click on "New" in the top right-hand corner to create a new whiteboard. Invited users can also edit the whiteboard outside the meeting, depending on the settings.

How do I share a whiteboard?

Create or open a whiteboard. Click on "Share" at the top right of the whiteboard page. Enter the email addresses of the users you want to share the whiteboard with and set their permissions. Click on "Share whiteboard". Optionally, you can copy the link and paste it into a message or email.

How do I delete a whiteboard?

Go to the overview of your whiteboards Click on the ellipsis symbol next to the whiteboard you want to delete. Select "Move to the recycle bin". Confirm in the dialog box that you want to delete the whiteboard.

What roles/permissions are there in the Zoom Whiteboard?

There are various roles with different authorizations in the Zoom Whiteboard:

  • Co-owner: People with access via a link can have the same permissions as the whiteboard owner. This includes sharing, editing, commenting and deleting the whiteboard. For example, a student can create a whiteboard and share it with other people for editing.

  • Editor: People with access via a link can edit the whiteboard. This is useful for working on a project together with fellow students.

  • Comment author: People with access via a link can leave comments on the whiteboard, but cannot make any changes to the content.

  • Viewer: People with access via a link can only view the whiteboard, but cannot edit or comment on it.

What are the restrictions on using the Zoom Whiteboard?

  • Zoom Whiteboards can only be sent to people with a Zoom account. In addition, the new Zoom Whiteboard and the classic whiteboard cannot be used at the same time in a meeting. Basic users have a maximum of 25 MB of cloud storage available and the storage capacity for individual whiteboards is limited to 200 MB, including all uploaded files. The maximum size for a PDF upload is 35 MB, while images (PNG/JPG) are limited to 5 MB. Text strings may contain a maximum of 5000 characters.

Further instructions:

Examination procedures can be carried out via the Moodle examination systemhttps://moodle-exam.hsnr.de, such as the submission of studies, projects and seminar papers or the submission of theses.