Silke Kirberg (2024): Agile development of the "Archive To Go" for digital exams using the user stories method. In: Stefanie Gerl, Bastian Küppers, Matthias Bandtel Svenja Bedenlier (eds.): Digitale Prüfungsszenarien in der Hochschule
Didaktik - Technik - Vernetzung. Innovative Hochschule: digital - international - transformative, 4th wbv-Verlag, Bielefeld, pp. 119 - 127.
Annas, P., Eßer-Lüghausen, A., Wittau, H., (2023). Experiencing media didactic skills in a practical orientation - e-tutor qualification at The Hochschule Niederrhein. In Vöing, N., Schmidt, R., & Niese, I. (Eds.). (2023). Promoting active participation - ICM and student engagement in university lecturers. Visual Ink Publishing. S. 319-331
Kirberg, Silke; Ceylan, Indira (2023). Examination didactics, legal and organizational dimensions for the development of Moodle as a digital examination environment. In: fnma Magazine 02/2023, pp. 18-21.
Ceylan, Indira. (2023). successfully shaping collaboration between universities and software developers. Blog post in HD@DH.NRW.
Kirberg, Silke; Eßer-Lüghausen, Alexandra et al. (2020).Agile working in the strategic field of teaching development at The Hochschule Niederrhein. In: Journal for Higher Education Development 15/4, p.157-169.
Kirberg, Silke; Kutsch, Stefanie et al. (2019).Handout DH.NRW project [bridge]
Halfmann, Achim; Kirberg, Anja. (2019).Sponsored: The Digital University Bridge project [bridge]. In: ProLibris 2/19, pp. 66-68.
Fink, Guntram; Kirberg, Silke; Schmidt, Lisa; Tervooren, Sarah. (2017). Digitalization of teaching education: Advice and training for lecturers at The Hochschule Niederrhein. In: Doyé, Th. et al. (eds.): University digital?! Practical examples from career-integrated and postgraduate degree programmes, pp. 61-68.
Project "E-Assessment NRW". (2017).e-assessment in higher education practice. Recommendations for anchoring e-assessments in NRW.
Kirberg, Silke. (2014).How can lecturers be supported in the design of virtually enriched study formats for heterogeneous target groups? Needs analyses for the conception of the technical basis, university didactic qualifications and consultations.In: Cendon, Eva, Flacke, Luise B. (Eds.): Competence development and heterogeneity. Designing study formats at the interface between theory and practice. Handreichung der wissenschaftlichen Begleitung des Bund-Länder-Wettbewerbs "Aufstieg durch Bildung: offene Hochschulen", pp. 69-80.
Kirberg, Silke (2014).Opening up university spaces in the competition "Advancement through education: open universities". On the architecture of digitally supported opening and expansion. In: Rummler, Klaus (ed.): Designing learning spaces - thinking educational contexts in a variety of ways. Waxmann: Münster, New York, pp. 469-472.
Kirberg, Silke; Koreny, Katja (2012). Transfer of project results from a multidimensional perspective. In: Schulz, Manuel et al. (2016): Distance education sharpens perspectives. Technology-supported education as a driver of innovation processes. Ziel Verlag: Augsburg, pp. 200-221.
Kirberg, Silke; Lobinger, Babett; Walzel, Stefan. (2012). International, job-oriented and virtual. A practical report on cross-border learning location cooperation. In: Csanyi, Gottfried et al. (eds.): Digital media - tools for excellent research and teaching education. Waxmann: Münster, New York, pp. 270-2.