Work at the university

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

The Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

We rely on good, cooperative team work and are convinced that, even in times of rapid and intensive change, we can successfully master the challenges of the future together. This includes promoting the professional development of our employees. In this way, we create individual career prospects and at the same time ensure a high standard within the university organization. After all, a well-trained team that is up to date in terms of content and methodology provides the basis for realizing our aspirations.

We create the best possible framework conditions for our professors to advance application-oriented research. With the Research and Transfer Department, we provide support in the application process, in the registration of inventions or patents, or in legal matters. We encourage the formation of competence centres, which can be upgraded to institutes if they achieve above-average success with third-party funding. Scientists benefit from this as well as from our efforts to implement a regulated path to a professorship. We create an attractive environment for research and teaching education and enable the professional and personal development of dedicated scientists.

By the way: According to a survey by the online portal Statista, The Hochschule Niederrhein is one of Krefeld's most attractive employers in 2019.

Those who work for us make their way.

Wide range of offers for employees

As an employee of The Hochschule Niederrhein, you benefit from the wide range of offers for employees that ensure a good working environment. This includes, for example, flexible working time models or teleworking options. We also pay according to the collective agreement for the public service of the federal states (TV-L) or the state civil service law (LBG). We also offer capital-forming benefits and a company pension scheme. Our employees can use the university's own canteen. The university sports facilities are also open to our employees.

The individual promotion and development of employees at the university takes place in a variety of ways. The personnel developmentservices supportthis process, for example, by offering advice, further training and management development. Below you will find an overview of the current personnel development formats.

Contact Personnel Development

Ronja Richter
Personnel development and occupational health management
Klaus Storm
Irene Walter
Training, personnel development
Katrin Rodemann
Human Resources Development
Sophie Lamertz
Personnel development and occupational health management - on parental leave -

Welcome days

We want you to arrive well at the university and your new workplace. A good start leads more quickly to mutual success. On your first day, you will meet your new team and set up your workstation. To get to know other departments and offerings, the university has a welcome day. This takes place twice a year.

Continuing education opportunities

Continuing training is a quality goal of the Hochschule Niederrhein. In order to achieve this goal, employees are sponsored within the framework of personnel development. We would be happy to advise you in a personal conversation about your very specific further education interests and further education needs.

Career counseling and development

Personnel development offers the possibility of career counseling and development. The term career in this context does not only mean vertical professional development. This can also include, for example, horizontal career development opportunities through enrichment of tasks and involvement in cross-functional projects. This is intended to support employees in using PE formats in a target-oriented manner for further career development and for completing tasks in line with requirements. Managers can make use of the consulting services as part of their role as local HR developers.

Annual employee appraisals

An important factor in successful leadership is good communication between managers and employees. Annual appraisal interviews provide an opportunity to discuss cooperation in a structured reflection meeting outside of "day-to-day business". The manager receives feedback on his or her leadership and, in turn, gives the employee re-registration on the cooperation.

Health management

The company health management offer is planned and implemented in cooperation with health insurance companies and companies in the field of health management to ensure support by specially trained trainers. Participation in such offers is always on a voluntary basis. The offers include various topics on nutrition, exercise/ ergonomics and stress management.

Management development

For some years now, individual measures have been taking place to develop managers, e.g. in cooperation with the Equal Opportunity Officer. The competence development of managers with regard to aspects of "good leadership" will be further expanded in the future. Coaching offers and team development can be requested.

Reconciling career and family

The family service as part of equal opportunities supports employees of the university in reconciling family and care responsibilities with the demands of their jobs. Specifically, we therefore offer a daycare center, vacation care, work-child rooms and many other supportive measures. The Hochschule Niederrhein has been awarded the distinction of being a family-friendly university.
Family-friendly-university: Certificate | Deed

Language courses and stays abroad

The Hochschule Niederrhein offers employees the opportunity to take language courses in cooperation with the language centers in Krefeld and Mönchengladbach: e.g. subject-specific English. In addition, employees can participate in DAAD seminars. Apprentices have the opportunity to stay abroad during their apprenticeship.

Equal opportunities

The Hochschule Niederrhein sees itself as a place of learning, research and work where people are welcome in their diversity. Regardless of skin color and origin, gender identity and religious or ideological orientation: diversity gives rise to new ideas and impulses for teaching education, studies, research and academic administration. In 2018, we received the "Shaping Diversity" certificate from the Stifterverband after an audit lasting several years.

Other members of staff benefits

  • Home office
  • Modern workplace
  • canteen
  • central location
  • W-Lan
  • parking spaces

The appointment procedure at The Hochschule Niederrhein

Our professors make a decisive contribution to the profile of the Hochschule Niederrhein. We are looking for academics who are motivated and committed to research and teaching education.

We conduct appointment procedures with the greatest possible care and as a participatory process. Transparent requirements and clearly defined rules are important to us. On our appointments portal, you will find helpful information if you are interested in the path to a professorship, would like to apply for a professorship with us, or are in an appointment process.


Dipl.-Verw.-Betriebswirt Andreas Pasch
Head of Appointment Procedures / Professor and Civil Servant Affairs
Email appeal management

Your way to the UAS professorship

Federal-state program: UAS personnel
Project: Tandem Lower Rhine

We are now looking for HAW postdocs as academic staff for a tandem program towards a UAS professorship

Project information:
The Hochschule Niederrhein would like to establish a structured path to a professorship within the framework of the project 'Tandem Niederrhein'. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in cooperation with the federal states is funding the project under the surname 'FH-Personal'.

The aim of the project is to offer young scientists a predictable and structured path to a professorship at a university of applied sciences. The participants will enter into a 3 - 4 year collaboration with a cooperation partner in the region and acquire teaching skills by working half-time at the Hochschule Niederrhein and half-time in companies or organizations to gain the necessary professional experience required for an appointment at a university. The framework conditions are so flexible that, if necessary, a shortening of the term or an extension for a stay abroad can be realized.

The funding program is aimed at people who want to expand their professional experience with practical project assignments at an academic level outside of the university and who want to pursue the path to a professorship.

They have completed studies related to the subject as well as a doctorate with magna cum laude or summa cum laude, have a list of publications and have not been employed in public service for more than 3 professional years following the doctorate or have already held a minor non-university job following the doctorate.

These are full-time positions. Participants are accompanied by two mentors who are close to the subject. An advanced training, mentoring, and coaching program prepares them for the challenges of working at a university of applied sciences. The scope of the teaching activities will be 4-8 SWS in coordination with the respective faculty. Participation in projects and proposal writing is desired.

Payment will be at the rate of TV-L 13. Part-time employment of 75% is possible in principle, but only on the part of the university; the half-time position with the cooperation partner cannot be reduced. Women are expressly invited to express their interest. There is no legal entitlement to employment.

We are looking for the next possible dat
Interested parties on the following spec

Faculty of Chemistry:
➡ Ecotoxicology

Faculty of Business Administration andEconomics for the Cyber-Security Management degree programme
➡ Computer Science, esp. IT Security

Faculty of Electrical Engineering:
➡ Practical Computer Science

Faculty of Health Care:
➡ Midwifery Science

Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology:
➡ Automation in the Textile and Clothing Industry, especially weaving
➡ Digitalized Marketing in Textiles

Faculty of Food, Nutrition and Hospitality Sciences:
➡ biochemistry and bioanalytics/toxicology

Faculty of Applied Social Sciences:
diversity with a specialisation in health.

We are always available for a phone call or Zoom meeting. We would be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Or submit your informal letter of interest to us, attaching only your resume for now. There is no legal claim to employment.

Contact: Dr. Antje Hambitzer - antje.hambitzer(at) - 02151 8221525

more information:
Diversity with a specialisation in health
Computer science, esp. IT security
Midwifery sciences
Weaving and the automation of production processes
Practical computer science
Digitalised marketing in textiles


Dr. agr. Antje Hambitzer
Head of Transfer Research and Development Transfer Officer Project Management Tandem Niederrhein
Susanne Kranzusch
Assistant Project Tandem Lower Rhine

The Hochschule Niederrhein is one of the largest and most efficient universities of applied sciences in Germany. It is also a recognized training company and, in addition to its extensive programmes, also offers training places in various industrial-technical, scientific and commercial professions. Depending on the profession, the apprenticeship takes place in the workshops, laboratories, libraries and in the administration. Committed instructors guarantee a challenging, exciting and varied apprenticeship.

In the university administration, almost 400 employees from a wide range of professions - from IT specialists and office communication specialists to tradesmen and laboratory technicians - ensure that the studies and research run smoothly.

The Hochschule Niederrhein regularly ranks among the best training companies in the catchment area of the Mittlerer Niederrhein Chamber of Industry and Commerce. This vividly demonstrates the high quality of apprenticeships at the Hochschule Niederrhein. Currently, 16 apprentices are being trained in seven different professions at the university.


We offer a total of seven interesting, future-proof technical and commercial apprenticeships with a degree from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce. Our training program is aimed at committed secondary school graduates, high school graduates and high school graduates. People with initial study experience are also welcome to apply to us.

We offer apprenticeships in the following pro

Electronics technician for operating technolo

During a three-and-a-half-year apprenticeship, you will work with your colleagues to install, maintain and repair a wide variety of electrical equipment throughout the university. You will carry out minor repairs and other tasks in the electrical workshop. In the process, you will learn all the relevant skills of this profession. The theoretical content will be taught to you at the vocational college.

You will acquire additional skills and make contact with other trainees with a practical emphasis / orientation. A permanent contact is available to you during all phases of the apprenticeship. It is possible to shorten the apprenticeship under certain conditions.

Theminimum requirement for the apprenticeship is a high school diploma with a "Fachoberschulreife" or a "Hauptschulabschluss" with the qualification grade "B". You should also be able to work carefully and responsibly and enjoy working with technology.



Media and information services

Specialist for Media and Information Services (Fachangestellte / Fachangestellte für Medien- und Informationsdienste)

During the three-year apprenticeship, you will become familiar with the acquisition, indexing, mediation and provision of media, information and data. You will also advise and support customers and users. You will be taught the theoretical content at vocational school. In a wide variety of internships, you will get to know other areas outside the library.

You will acquire additional skills and make contact with other trainees with a practical emphasis / orientation. A permanent contact is available to you at all stages of the apprenticeship. It is possible to shorten the apprenticeship under certain conditions.

Theminimum requirement for the apprenticeship is a high school diploma with a "Fachoberschulreife" or a "Hauptschulabschluss" with the qualification grade "B". You should have an interest in IT-supported work processes and be able to work carefully and responsibly.


IT specialist for application development

Application development specialization

During the three-year apprenticeship, you will develop and program software according to customer requirements, test and adapt existing applications, or develop application-oriented user interfaces. For your work you will use programming languages and tools such as developer tools. You will also use software engineering methods.

In addition, you troubleshoot with the help of expert and diagnostic systems and advise and train users. Stamina, diligence, flexibility and service orientation are required. A permanent contact is available to you during all phases of the apprenticeship. It is possible to shorten the apprenticeship under certain conditions.

Theminimum requirement for the apprenticeship is a high school diploma with a "Fachoberschulreife" or a "Hauptschulabschluss" with the qualification grade "B". The school subjects mathematics and computer science are particularly important. Since technical literature is often in English, good language skills are also an advantage.


Management assistant for office management

During the three-year apprenticeship, you will get to know the areas of Administration, Finance, Personnel, the Faculty Secretariats and Student Services and support your colleagues in their day-to-day business. You will be taught the theoretical content at the vocational school. You will acquire additional skills and make contact with other trainees with a practical emphasis / orientation. A permanent contact is available to you at all stages of the apprenticeship. It is possible to shorten the apprenticeship under certain conditions.

Theminimum requirement for the apprenticeship is a high school diploma with a "Fachoberschulreife" or a "Hauptschulabschluss" with the qualification grade "B". You should be interested in working in the commercial and administrative field, be committed, and work carefully and responsibly.


Chemical laboratory technician

Apprenticeship as a chemical laboratory technician

Chemical laboratory assistants prepare or carry out chemical investigations and test series. They analyze substances, separate mixtures of substances and produce chemical substances. They also document their work and evaluate the recorded results.

The practical apprenticeship is carried out in the Faculty of Chemistry at the Hochschule Niederrhein in Krefeld and lasts 3 ½ years. You will be taught the theoretical content in the form of block instruction at the vocational school. You will acquire a degree in a state-recognized IHK training occupation. A shortening of the apprenticeship is possible under certain conditions.

Minimum requirements: Applicants should have the Fachoberschulreife. In addition to good scientific, mathematical and language skills, flexibility, the ability to work in a team and a careful and responsible approach to work are required.


Textile laboratory technician

Textile laboratory assistant apprenticeship

Textile laboratory assistants investigate chemical and physical properties of textiles, which are important for product development, quality control and damage analysis. Among other things, fiber and yarn tests, as well as examinations of textile fabrics with regard to service properties, color fastness, material analyses, etc. are taught and carried out using reproducible procedures and standards.

This is a dual apprenticeship with a degree in a state-recognized IHK (Chamber of Industry and Commerce) training occupation. The practical apprenticeship with the specialisation "Textile Technology", takes place in the Public Testing Laboratory for Textiles of the Hochschule Niederrhein at the Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology in Mönchengladbach and lasts 3 1/2 years. The school part is completed in the vocational school (Textile Academy NRW) in the form of block teaching. A shortening of the apprenticeship is possible under certain conditions.

Minimum requirements Applicants should have at least the Fachoberschulreife. In addition to good scientific, mathematical and language skills, flexibility, the ability to work in a team and a careful and responsible approach to work are required.



Apprenticeship as a
cutting machine operator

Machinists work in areas of industry and the skilled trades sector in which components are manufactured using metal-cutting processes. Typical areas of application are turning machine systems, milling machine systems, automatic lathe systems and grinding machine systems for individual and series production.

This is a dual apprenticeship designed to last 3 ½ years. The specialized practical apprenticeship is carried out in the mechanical workshop of the Hochschule Niederrhein in Krefeld. Our training workshop has the most modern CNC-controlled machine tools. You will be taught the theoretical content at the vocational school. If you are suitable - and if you wish to do so yourself - there is the option of a shortened apprenticeship to two years. You will acquire a degree in a state-recognized IHK training occupation. A shortening of the apprenticeship is possible under certain conditions.

Minimum requirement: Applicants must have a secondary school leaving certificate. In addition to good scientific, mathematical and language skills, flexibility, the ability to work in a team and a careful and responsible approach to work are required.


The Hochschule Niederrhein

The Hochschule Niederrhein is not only one of the largest and most efficient universities of applied sciences in Germany with 13,115 students (as of winter semester 22/23) and over 900 employees at its central locations in Krefeld and Mönchengladbach, but is also one of the largest employers in the region. We can look back on a 160-year tradition. We offer our employees a modern workplace with interesting and varied activities in science and research and in university administration. It is not without reason that we were distinguished as one of the most attractive employers in Krefeld in 2019.

We understand and as a place of learning, research and work where people are welcome in their diversity. Regardless of skin color and origin, gender identity and religious or ideological orientation: diversity gives rise to new ideas and approaches for teaching education, studies, research and science administration. In 2018, we received the "Shaping Diversity" certificate from the Stifterverband after an audit lasting several years.

Job market of The Hochschule Niederrhein

On the "Job Market" page you will find all vacancies. To make the application process as convenient as possible for you, applications are submitted directly via an online application portal. There you can continuously track the status of your application. There is no need to send applications and reply letters in paper format. Employment is within the framework of the collective agreement for the public service of the federal states (TV-L).

We look forward to receiving your application!