The Hochschule Niederrhein attaches great importance to the compatibility of family and/or studies and career. As part of the "Family-friendly university" audit, we have set ourselves the task of supporting our academics, employees and students with childcare.
For this reason, we have been offering childcare places for children aged 0-3 years in the daycare center "MaxiMUMM" in Krefeld in cooperation with the daycare provider "Mumm Familienservices GmbH" since fall 2018. The daycare center in Krefeld is located at Ispelsstraße 60, between the Krefeld West and Krefeld South Campuses.
Since 2020, The Hochschule Niederrhein has also been offering childcare places for children aged 0-3 at the Mönchengladbach campus in cooperation with the daycare provider "Mumm Familienservices GmbH". The childcare places are available at the "MUMMI" daycare center at Bruckner Allee 14-16, near the campus in Mönchengladbach. If no capacities are available here, the cooperation partner will look for a suitable alternative for you.
You can find more information about the two daycare centers mentioned above on the website of the provider "Mumm Familienservice gGmbH": https: //
The placement of a U3-occupancy place is handled exclusively by The Hochschule Niederrhein.
Would you like to register for a place or receive more information?
Then please contact us by e-mail at or by phone at 02151 822 3643 .
In general, we recommend that you contact us no later than the fall/winter of the previous year in which the childcare is scheduled to begin on 01.08.
We also recommend that you apply for alternative places in parallel through the usual channels.
Further information:
The Hochschule Niederrhein does not have access to the childcare places at the "Campus-Zwerge" daycare center at the Mönchengladbach campus.
Registration and allocation of places is coordinated by the Studierendenwerk Düsseldorf:
Information on the allocation of daycare places and the online registration system "Kita-Online" in Krefeld:
Information on Kita place allocation and the online registration system "Kita-Navigator" in Mönchengladbach: