family service

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.


When organizing work, studies and family care work, individual questions and concerns often arise. In our confidential consultation for university members (students and personnel), we are available to you as contact persons in the context of compatibility and will find solutions with you or provide you with further information and addresses. We work in a large network with internal and external cooperation partners. Your data will only be passed on in accordance with your needs and after consultation in individual cases.

Consultation can take place by e-mail, telephone or in person.

You are also welcome to send us your request in advance by e-mail via


We provide guidance on the following topics:

Pregnancy and birth

Pregnancy is an exciting change. Our HSNR Pregnancy and Birth Checklist provides guidance on many topics that you may be dealing with and for which we are happy to provide initial orientation and referral counseling.In principle, you can contact us confidentially with any questions you may have.

  • Information on general childcare issues
  • U3 childcare places for university employees in Krefeld and Mönchengladbach
  • Advice on vacation childcare offers during the NRW school vacations

To the related links Childcare

Studying with family responsibilities

We will be happy to help you with your individual concerns.


We offer you initial guidance on financial issues and provide you with further information and contact addresses.

Care of relatives

In the case of relatives in need of care, care counseling centers are available to you in the individual regions. You can find suitable advice centers in your search location via the website Pflegewegweiser NRW.

Employees of The Hochschule Niederrhein can also contact the network of employees in need of care in Mönchengladbach as part of an existing cooperation.

Parent-Child Facilities

We can advise you on our parent-child facilities at the university and listen to your individual needs.

  • Parent-child parking
  • Parent-child workroom
  • Changing and breastfeeding facilities
  • Play corners


Wiebke Weissinger (she, her), M.A.
Associate Family Service

Network Meeting for Members of the University

Dear parents (to be), dear family caregivers,

successfully balancing your studies / your job and a family requires a lot of reflection, organization, communication and mutual understanding. A strong network can help you on this journey.

The AStA and the family service of the Hochschule Niederrhein invite you to share your experiences with other members of the Hochschule who are facing similar challenges in their day-to-day life. Take the opportunity to receive valuable tips, discover new perspectives, generate ideas and get to know people in an informal atmosphere. Family members are welcome as well! Exciting play opportunities for children will be available.

When? Tuesday, 22 October 2024, 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM

Where? HSNR Campus Mönchengladbach, building Z, room ZE 36

In order to make planning easier, we ask you to try to register for the event by 08 October 2024. Please register by email to .

We are looking forward to seeing you!

Alexander Wilke (AStA der HSNR, Referent für die Vereinbarkeit von Studium und Care-Aufgaben)

Wiebke Weissinger (Mitarbeiterin des Familienservice der HSNR)

Daycare occupancy places for U3 children

The Hochschule Niederrhein attaches great importance to the compatibility of family and/or studies and career. As part of the "Family-friendly university" audit, we have set ourselves the task of supporting our academics, employees and students with childcare.

For this reason, we have been offering childcare places for children aged 0-3 years in the daycare center "MaxiMUMM" in Krefeld in cooperation with the daycare provider "Mumm Familienservices GmbH" since fall 2018. The daycare center in Krefeld is located at Ispelsstraße 60, between the Krefeld West and Krefeld South Campuses.

Since 2020, The Hochschule Niederrhein has also been offering childcare places for children aged 0-3 at the Mönchengladbach campus in cooperation with the daycare provider "Mumm Familienservices GmbH". The childcare places are available at the "MUMMI" daycare center at Bruckner Allee 14-16, near the campus in Mönchengladbach. If no capacities are available here, the cooperation partner will look for a suitable alternative for you.

You can find more information about the two daycare centers mentioned above on the website of the provider "Mumm Familienservice gGmbH": https: //

The placement of a U3-occupancy place is handled exclusively by The Hochschule Niederrhein.

Would you like to register for a place or receive more information?
Then please contact us by e-mail at or by phone at 02151 822 3643 .

In general, we recommend that you contact us no later than the fall/winter of the previous year in which the childcare is scheduled to begin on 01.08.
We also recommend that you apply for alternative places in parallel through the usual channels.

Further information:

The Hochschule Niederrhein does not have access to the childcare places at the "Campus-Zwerge" daycare center at the Mönchengladbach campus.
Registration and allocation of places is coordinated by the Studierendenwerk Düsseldorf:

Information on the allocation of daycare places and the online registration system "Kita-Online" in Krefeld:

Information on Kita place allocation and the online registration system "Kita-Navigator" in Mönchengladbach:

Parent-child workroom

University employees have access to a parent-child workroom at each of the two locations, which can be used by parents together with their child/children. The rooms are equipped with a PC workstation, breastfeeding pillows and play facilities, and are each connected to a nappy-changing room.

You can book the parent-child workrooms online via the library (forwarding by clicking on the rooms). You will need your library credentials to make the reservation. If you do not yet have a library card, you can have one issued during service hours at the library on your campus. They will be happy to help you there.

With the access data, log into the booking portal and select the day and period that suits you.
Please note that you can book the room for a maximum of five hours and a maximum of one week in advance.

The key is available after receipt of the booking confirmation in the respective library Monday to Friday between 08:30 and 19:00 after signing the consent form.

Procedure for booking the parent-child workrooms:

  • Online booking via the library's website (see above).
  • Pick up the key with deposit for the parent-child workroom in the library
  • Employees of the library check the booking on site
  • Signing of the consent form for the use of the parent-child workroom
  • Handing over the signed consent form to the employees of the library
  • Use of the room within the booked period and, if necessary, taking printed feedback forms with them
  • Returning the key to the library
  • Returning your feedback sheet via the green mailbox to the equal opportunities office


Feedback welcome

We invite you to help us with the
further development of the offer.

You will find printed copies of the templates in the
parent-child rooms and in the right
column under Downloads.

You can drop the completed feedback forms
into our green mailboxes

Parent-child parking

To support university members who bring their child(ren) to the university, designated parent-child parking spaces are available at the Krefeld South Campus and Krefeld West Campus. Short-term use of the parking lot by parents who drop off their child(ren) at a childcare facility on their way to the university is not planned due to limited capacity.

  • Krefeld-South: opposite the BfC/Equalization (Building A) as well as in the parking lot directly in front of the cafeteria.
  • Krefeld-West: next to the AStA (Building Q)

Baby Welcome Pack

We would like to extend a warm welcome to newborns of university members (students, personnel). The application for an HSNR baby welcome package can be submitted to the family service by the university-affiliated parent after the birth of the child. As soon as the package is ready, we will contact you to make an individual appointment for pick-up in Krefeld South or Mönchengladbach.

Feel free to submit your application via one of the following ways:

1. by mail (Hochschule Niederrhein, family service, Reinarzstr. 49, 47805 Krefeld)
2. digitally as a scan by e-mail to

You can find the application forms in the right column under Downloads.

baby welcome package

Diaper changing and breastfeeding rooms

At the locations in Krefeld and Mönchengladbach, there are freely accessible changing rooms that can be used by both relatives and guests of the university. If you would like to breastfeed or feed your child in peace, you can retreat to our breastfeeding and quiet rooms.

Locations changing and breastfeeding rooms

Game corners

We have two play corners.
One game corner is located in the library at the Krefeld South Campus.
The second play corner is located in the library at the Mönchengladbach campus.

In the play corners there are

  • a comfortable beanbag chair
  • a large play box with games for small and older children (up to about 8 years)
  • movement games on the wall (Mönchengladbach)
  • a digital game screen on the wall (Krefeld-Süd)

When redesigning our outdoor areas, we make sure that they also invite families
to linger.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Family-friendly university
Audit family-friendly university

Since 2010, The Hochschule Niederrhein has been continuously developing in the areas of family-friendly university strategy and family-friendly working and study conditions through the "family-friendly university" audit of berufundfamilie Service GmbH. The successful recertifications in 2016 and 2022 are a confirmation of our work.

As a family-friendly location, we set ourselves sustainable goals to maintain and improve the compatibility of family and work or studies for employees and students. To this end, we are strengthening existing reconciliation offerings and developing new needs-based measures.

In addition, we are actively committed to equal opportunities and gender-equitable studies and working conditions.

Care of relatives

If work and/or studies are to be combined with additional, private care responsibilities, this often results in a complex situation for those affected. In addition to financial aspects, questions of organization, time and content play a role.

Free advice and help for relatives

Family caregivers assume a great deal of responsibility. To help them with their challenges and guide them through the complex support options, there are various nonprofit and for-profit counseling and guidance services. Below, we list selected, free points of contact for you:

On-site advice: care support points
The care advice provided by the care insurance funds is available to you in the so-called care support points locally on site. In addition to individual advice, you can obtain all application forms and concrete assistance in the context of needing care (e.g. questions about outpatient or inpatient assistance, aids, financial questions, etc.)

Telephone advice
For telephone advice on all aspects of organizing care and, in particular, on family care leave, experts from the nationwide care hotline of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth are available to answer your questions. The care hotline can be reached Monday through Thursday between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. at 030 20179131 and by e-mail at info(at) Further information on the counseling service can be found here

Working time arrangements

The assumption of care responsibility does not only concern the possible care of parents, but also the need for care of partners or other close persons due to illness or accident. In all cases, the reorganization of everyday life is necessary. For financial reasons, work and the care of relatives often have to be reconciled. Since the duration, course and effort of taking on care responsibilities can rarely be planned, flexible working time arrangements are an important help for employees.

Existing working time models at the Hochschule Niederrhein make an important contribution to this. If the care burden increases, a reduction in working hours or time off for a limited period can be possible solutions. Legislation provides employees with various options for taking time off to care for close relatives.

Caregiver Leave Act:
The Caregiver Leave Act (Pflegezeitgesetz-PflegeZG) came into force on August 1, 2008. It is intended to enable employees to care for relatives in a home environment and thus improve the compatibility of family and career. The law distinguishes between short-term work prevention, care time and family care time.

Information on short-term absence from work

Information on care leave

Information on family care leave

On the question of the validity of the regulations for civil servants, the page of the DGB is helpful.

Offer of help for employees of the university

As part of a cooperation, the Mönchengladbach network of caring employees offers the following services for employees of the Hochschule Niederrhein:

  • Health and care courses
  • Use of information materials
  • Mediation of offers of household-related services
  • Procurement of offers for day care
  • Establishing contacts with care providers
  • Support in applying for care levels

To the website of the "Network of caring employees

Other consulting options

Pregnancy, maternity protection, birth

HSNR Checklist Pregnancy and Birth

Guide to maternity protection
from the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, 12th edition

Maternity protection in studies


Financing studies with a child
Link to the Service Agency for Family-Friendly Studies of the German Student Union (Deutsches Studierendenwerk)

Information onbenefits for families
from the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, 6th edition

Information on parental allowance and parental leave
from the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth

Online parental allowance calculator from the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth

Brochure "Merkblatt Kindergeld"
from the Family Welfare Office of the Federal Employment Agency

Child supplement: information and application options
Link to the information page of the Federal Employment Agency

Emergency financial assistance during pregnancy
from the Federal Foundation Mother and Child, 1st edition



HSNR-U3-occupancy places

Kita place allocation and online registration system "Kita-Online"
of the city of Krefeld

Vacation offers (note registration dates)
of the city of Krefeld and independent providers


HSNR-U3-occupancy places

Daycare center "Campus-Zwerge"
Registration and allocation of places by Studierendenwerk Düsseldorf

Kita place allocation and online registration system "Kita-Navigator"
of the city of Mönchengladbach

Vacation offers
of the city of Mönchengladbach

Mönchengladbach Early Help Network
Offers for families with children aged 0-3

The sponsor project in Mönchengladbach
voluntary support for stressed families with children from 2-17 years.


We are a member of the following networks:

Advisory Network of the Hochschule Niederrhein

Dual Career Network Rhineland

University NetworkFamily NRW

Do you have any questions, requests or suggestions?

Then please write to us

  • via our contact form
  • directly by e-mail to
  • or send us a message via our green mailboxes at the Krefeld South Campus and Mönchengladbach Campus.
    You can also use the mailboxes anonymously.

Our green mailboxes are located at the following places:

  • Krefeld South Campus:
    in the entrance area to office AE31
    (outside, barrier-free)
  • Campus Mönchengladbach:
    in the entrance area to office E105
    (inside, 1st floor, not barrier-free)


Wiebke Weissinger (she, her), M.A.
Associate Family Service