Training dates

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

All about the term paper

18:00 - 20:00

Important note: This event will be held in German

In the workshop "All about the term paper" you will get tips and tricks about writing term papers and theses. Among other things, we will show you useful information about time management and the library itself. In addition, we will explain the areas of literature research, interlibrary loan, databases and acquisition suggestions so that you can make optimal use of the library for your term paper or thesis.


  • Thursday, 23.11.2023 (18:00 - 20:00 h)


The presentation will run via the Zoom web conferencing tool.

Meeting Dates:

Meeting ID: 943 888 0714

ID code/password: 010203


Target groups
Students of the Hochschule Niederrhein (all semesters).

Participants will receive information on writing term papers and theses. Tips for time management as well as tricks for using the library will be shown. In addition, participants will receive information on literature research as well as general source evaluation. However, the liability and guarantee for the correctness, topicality and completeness is excluded. Please discuss these with your supervisors.

Presentation of the workshop. Followed by question and answer session.

120 minutes

Maximum 50 participants

Registration for the workshop

Location ZOOM