Offers for lecturers
authentic and future-oriented

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

Teaching education at the Hochschule Niederrhein

Teaching education is a supporting pillar of the HN. Our students acquire skills to meet the challenges of tomorrow. The HN therefore supports its lecturers in continuously developing the quality of studies and teaching education. The HLL/The HN provides a range of services related to teaching education.

Good teaching is important to us!

As part of the quality development of studies and teaching, evaluation is an instrument that can be used to check the fulfillment of university tasks on the one hand and the efficiency of existing measures on the other. Based on the PDCA cycle, measures are reviewed at various levels from the perspective of all those involved: from individual courses to university-wide projects. The regulations for the evaluation of studies and teaching at the Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences can be found in the quality management and evaluation regulations.

The Coordination Office for Evaluation supports teaching staff in obtaining structured feedback from students on their courses. The self-critical examination of this feedback provides a basis for the further development of one's own teaching. The standardized survey is one of the evaluation instruments at the Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences. A university version of the survey software SoSci Survey was introduced in order to conduct online surveys using state-of-the-art technology and in compliance with data protection regulations. Lecturers at the Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences can also use this software for surveys in the context of research and teaching.

David Peters, M.A.
Head of the Coordination Office for Evaluation

Nadine Israel, M.A, M.Sc.
Coordination Office for Evaluation (Evaluation)

Stefanie Masella, M.Sc.
Coordination Office for Evaluation (Evaluation)

Alexander Sachse
Coordination Office for Evaluation (Academic Controlling)

Good teaching education is authentic

Expanding teaching competencies: Lecturers at The Hochschule Niederrhein bring a wealth of expertise and professional experience to the table. Good teaching combines professional and subject-specific expertise with didactic knowledge and subject-specific imagination. Our offerings support you in linking these perspectives. This gives you the opportunity to complement your view of teaching education with the perspective of higher education didactics.

The task of university didactics: University didactics is concerned with how teaching education must be designed so that students can acquire knowledge in the best possible way and try it out in an action-oriented way. It is oriented towards modern theories of teaching education and learning.

CoLe/Ni - Community of lecturers at the HN: We are convinced that the development of teaching education is best achieved through collegial exchange. We therefore invite you to actively participate in the CoLe/Ni network.

Team University Didactics

Annike Henrix, M.A.
University didactics Le/Ni blog, Le/Ni supplement
Dr. rer. nat. Elske Schönhals
University Didactics (Deputy Head) AI-transdisciplinary (Deputy Head)
Dipl.-Päd. Nicole Engelhardt, M.A.
Community Manager in the project

hdw-nrw Mentor The Hochschule Niederrhein

Business administration, esp. organizational development and corporate management hdw-nrw mentor

Teaching education and learning in the digital age

The digitaLe - Raum für digitale Lehreproject was initiated in 2018 to shape digitalization in studies and teaching education together with lecturers. The goals are to expand the variety of contemporary teaching and learning methods, to motivate lecturers to use them, and to strengthen the academic media skills of students in the sense of employability after their studies. The use of digital media is not an end in itself, but is subject to the goal of good teaching practice.

With the continuation in 2021, the media didacticians now act as Team digitaLe and continue to offer lecturers continuous support in their teaching projects in planning, implementation and execution. DigitaLe is characterized by a centralized-decentralized structure: The faculties of the Hochschule Niederrhein are represented by media didacticists who respond to local needs and develop strategies for contemporary teaching and learning with digital means by addressing these needs with and for the respective faculty. This decentralized structure is flanked by close cooperation between the eLearning and university didactics departments.

About the digitaLe team

The digitaLe team - space for digital teachingwas initiated to shape digitalization in studies and teaching education together with lecturers. The goals are to expand the variety of contemporary teaching and learning methods, to motivate lecturers to use them, and to strengthen the academic media competence of students in the sense of employability after their studies. The use of digital media is not an end in itself, but is subject to the goal of good teaching practice.

DigitaLe is characterized by a decentralized structure: Media didacticians are represented in the faculties of the Hochschule Niederrhein, who respond to the needs on site and develop strategies for contemporary teaching and learning with digital means by addressing these needs with and for the respective faculty. This decentralized structure is flanked by close cooperation between the eLearning and university didactics departments.

Team digitaLe

Pia Annas, B.Sc.
Media didactician in the Faculty of Chemistry Team "digitaLe
Head of Team "digitaLe" Media didactician in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Saraa Feiter, Dipl.-Ing.
Media Didactician in the Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology Team digitaLe Research assistant eLearning team
Media didactician in the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics "digitaLe" team
Stefanie Masella, M.Sc.
Media didactician in the "digitaLe" team
Christina Nowak, B.Sc.
Media didactician in the Faculty of Applied Social Sciences Team "digitaLe
Media didactician and research assistant in the Faculty of Mechanical and Process Engineering Team "digitaLe
Sarah Wossack, M.Sc.
Media didactician in the Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology Team "digitaLe

Support through eTutor:in

The digitaLe team can provide student assistants (eTutors) to support lecturers in the implementation and supervision of digitally supported teaching projects. The eTutors are deployed in the faculties and support the design, implementation and monitoring of digital teaching/learning scenarios.

Since the winter semester 2018/2019, it has been possible to qualify student assistants in (media) didactics. The qualification offer is offered in cooperation with the tutoring program. The training ensures that the student assistants or eTutor:innen receive the necessary competencies to support lecturers in digitally accompanied teaching. The qualification consists of a classroom and an online phase, in which the students get to know and apply various facets of multimedia and media didactic work, among other things, learning-by-doing. At the end of the course, they receive a certificate for tutors from the Hochschule Niederrhein.

Dates and further information on the qualification program can be found in the current program of the tutor program:

Technologies for innovative teaching education, learning and

The eLearning team provides digital methods, tools and technologies to support teaching education, studies and collaboration at the Hochschule Niederrhein. To enable our students to develop future skills, we offer (networked) systems for innovative teaching-learning settings and digital examining.

We analyze needs and offers in order to advise the university management on the sustainable further development of our teaching-learning technology components. After testing and critically reflecting on new digital methods, tools and technologies, we transfer them into regular operation and develop support and qualification offers for students and lecturers. In doing so, we work closely with the university IT department and the digitaLe (media didactics) and university didactics teams.

Beyond the boundaries of the university, we contribute our expertise to networks and cooperations and gain and set impulses for digital teaching and learning at the Hochschule Niederrhein.

Team eLearning

Silke Kirberg
eLearning Consultant, Team Leader
Pia Annas
Digital Teaching and Learning Consultant
Indira Ceylan, LL.M.
    Answers your questions about Moodle, eLearning, eAssessment
    Guntram Fink
    wiss. Staff member of the eLearning team