Mechanical and Process Engineering
Students & first-year students

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.


Study operation

Students of the Faculty of Mechanical and Process Engineering can find all information about the study program in the Moodle course "FB04!".


New to the faculties!?

The Faculty of Mechanical and Process Engineering welcomes you and wishes you a good and successful start to your studies!

On this page you will find information about your commencement of studies. Please note that this page is constantly updated.

Start in the winter semester

Introductory weeks (Bachelor)


Start: 11.09.2023, 9:00 a.m., lecture hall F307

The introductory weeks for the winter semester in the Faculty of Mechanical and Process Engineering begin in September for all first-semester Bachelor's students as well as those changing universities (Bachelor's). For dual students, the compulsory dates are on the respective Mondays and Tuesdays.

Once you have been successfully registered and have a university account, you can access themoodle course"Einführung04!" (registration key: endlichStudieren!), where you will find all the information about the e-weeks . To do this, register with your university e-mail address.

Our tutors will help you to successfully start your studies.

Participation in the introductory weeks is strongly recommended!

During the introductory weeks

  • we prepare you for the courses ,
  • the adaptation courses begin with the technical drawing and natural science foundation courses
  • the general safety instruction including the Moodle online test takes place (MANDATORY),
  • receive an introduction to faculty IT & IT security (MANDATORY),
  • take the English placement test * (MANDATORY),
  • take the math placement exam * (MANDATORY),
  • get to know your fellow students to find your study group early on.

* TIP: Use the time before the commencement of studies to brush up on your basic knowledge!

Introductory courses (Master)

Once you have been successfully registered and have a university account, you can access the "Introduction04!" moodle course (registration key: endlichStudieren!). Here you will find information about the start of your Master's degree program. All other information concerning your studies at our faculty can be found in the Moodle course " FB04! " (registration key: FB04!WISE) after successful registration.

You can register for the Moodle courses using your university e-mail address.

Street food festival

Every year at the beginning of the winter semester, all new students at The Hochschule Niederrhein are welcomed with a central event: a Street Food Fest with a varied range of food stalls and a stage with live music.

We offer a shuttle service to the Street Food Fest in Mönchengladbach for all first-year students from the faculties in Krefeld.

Further central information can be foundhere.

Start in the summer semester

Orientation semester (Bachelor)

You start your studies with an orientation semester before continuing with the regular Bachelor's program in the winter semester. A good choice!

Start in summer semester 2024
The orientation semester starts at the beginning of April with an introduction to the course(KR-Süd campus). Here you will learn everything else about the organization (timetable, learning platform Moodle, security briefing, WLAN, VPN, library, canteen, etc.).

You will find all information about your orientation semester after successful registration in this Moodle course ( registration key: start-engineering) , for which you register with your university e-mail address.

Transfer students & Master's students

New to FB04, but already in the middle of your studies? Whether you are a university transfer student or a Master's student (Part-time) - the following information and links are sure to be of interest:

  1. Recognition of achievements
  2. Lecture plan
  3. Safety instruction: The test for general safety instruction is mandatory for all first semester students (Bachelor and Master), university transfer students, career changers etc.. After activation, the safety test must be successfully completed in order to be allowed to participate in regular operations (especially internships). Click here for the test: (registration code: "04+Sicher").
  4. The "Introduction to Faculty IT" must be completed in order to be able to use the computers in the faculty.


You can find all information and dates about the study program in the moodle course FB04!
(registration key "FB04!WISE" with your HSNR mail account).

The campus from above

Here is a YouTube video. Click on it to watch. The data protection regulations of google apply!

Anthony Efonemchi, M. Sc.
Student Degree Programme Counselling FB04
Angelika Grahl, M.A.
Program development and department management
Media didactician and research assistant in the Faculty of Mechanical and Process Engineering Team "digitaLe