Examination regulations

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Examination regulations of the faculties

Faculty of Design


Bachelor 'sdegree programme in communication design dated May 5, 2022

Regulations for determining artistic-creative aptitude and special artistic-creative talent for the Bachelor's degree programme in Communication Design dated July 19, 2016.

Bachelor's degreeprogramme Product and Object Design dated May 5, 2022

Bachelor's degree programme inproduct and object design dated July 19, 2016

Regulations for determining artistic-creative aptitude and special artistic-creative talent for the Bachelor 's degreeprogramme Product and Object Design of July 19, 2016.


Master 's degreeprogramme Design of May 5, 2022

Master 's degreeprogramme Design of August 8, 2017

Regulations for determining specific aptitude for the Master 's degree programme Design of August 8, 2017.


Bachelor 'sdegree programme Communication Design dated July 19, 2016.

Bachelor 's degree programme Design August 4, 2009- PO Version 2009

Bachelor's degreeprogramme Design dated August 4, 2009- PO version 2013

Bachelor 's degree programme Design February 29, 2008

Regulations on the phasing out of the Bachelor 's degree programme inDesign dated July 19, 2016.

Regulations for determining artistic-creative aptitude and specific artistic-creative talent for the Bachelor 'sdegree programme in Design dated June 2, 2014.

Regulations fordetermining specific aptitude for the Master 'sdegree programme Design Projects dated December 20, 2010.

Study regulations for the Degree programme Design at the Hochschule Niederrhein of August 6, 2003.

Master 'sdegree programme Design Projects of May 18, 2011 (Amtl. Bek. HN 14/2011)

Faculty of Mechanical and Process Engineering


Bachelor's degree programme inmechanical engineering dated September 23, 2018

Bachelor's degree programme inprocess engineering dated September 23, 2018

Bachelor's degree programme inmechanical engineering dated December 20, 2011

Bachelor's degree programme inMechatronics from December 20, 2011

Bachelor's degree programme inProcess Engineering from December 20, 2011



Master 's degree programme inproduct development in mechanical engineering dated July 23, 2018.

Master 's degree programmeComputer Aided Process Engineering (CAPE) of July 23, 2018.



Master's degree programme inproduct development in mechanical engineering of December 19, 2011

Master's degree programmeComputer Aided Process Engineering from December 19, 2011

Bachelor 's degree programme inMechanical Engineering dated April 3, 2006

Study regulations for the Bachelor 's degreeprogramme in Mechanical Engineering dated August 22, 2006

Bachelor 's degree programme inMechatronics dated April 3, 2006

Study regulations for the Bachelor's degreeprogramme in Mechatronics dated August 22, 2006

Bachelor'sdegree programme Process Engineering of April 3, 2006 (Amtl. Bek. HN 12/2006)

Study regulations for the Bachelor's degree programme in Process Engineering of August 22, 2006

Master 'sdegree programme Computer Aided Process Engineering of April 3, 2006

Study Regulations for the Master's degree programmeComputer Aided Process Engineering of August 22, 2006

Master's degreeprogramme Product Development in Mechanical Engineering of July 12, 2006

Study Regulations for the Master's degree programme inProduct Development in Mechanical Engineering of August 22, 2006

Diploma Examination Regulations for the Degree programmes in Mechanical Engineering and Cooperative Engineering in Mechanical Engineering of 23 March 2004

Degree programme regulations for Mechanical Engineeringand Cooper ative Engineering Education in Mechanical Engineering of December 20, 2004

Bachelor 's degreeprogramme Mechanical Engineering of July 17, 2003

Study regulations for the Bachelor's degreeprogramme Mechanical Engineering of December 20, 2004

Diploma Examination Regulations for the Degree Programmes Process Engineering and Cooperative Engineering Education Process Engineering of March 23, 2004

Study Regulations for the Degree Programmes Process Engineeringand Cooperative Engineering Training Process Engineering of December 20, 2004

Bachelor 's degreeprogramme Process Engineering of July 17, 2003

Study regulations for the Bachelor's degree programme Process Engineering of December 20, 2004

Bachelor's degreeprogramme Mechatronics of July 17, 2003

Study regulations for the Bachelor's degree programmein Mechatronics dated December 20, 2004

Master 's degreeprogramme Computer Aided Process Engineering of July 17, 2003

Study Regulations for the Master's degree programmeComputer Aided Process Engineering of December 20, 2004

Regulations on the Discontinuation of the Diploma Programs in Mechanical Engineering and Cooperative Engineering Education in Mechanical Engineering of July 6, 2006

Regulations on the Discontinuation of the DiplomaCourses in Process Engineering and Cooperative Engineering Training in Process Engineering of July 6, 2006

Faculty of Food, Nutrition and Hospitality Sc


Bachelor'sdegree programme in Nutritional Sciences dated March 12, 2020.

Bachelor'sdegree programme in Food Science dated July 25, 2019.

Bachelor'sdegree programme Catering and Hospitality Services dated August 26, 2016.

Regulations on the phasing out of the Bachelor 's degreeprogramme in Catering and Hospitality Services of June 4, 2019

Regulations on practical semesters for the Bachelor 's degreeprogrammes Catering and Hospitality Services, Nutritional Sciences and Food Science of 16 January 2018

Bachelor'sdegree programme in Nutritional Sciences of July 6, 2016.

Bachelor'sdegree programme Food Science of July 6, 2016.


Master 's degreeprogramme in Nutritional Sciences of June 4, 2019.

Master's degree programme food science of June 4, 2019

Master 's degree programme in nutritionand food sciences of August 23, 2010.

Regulations on the expiry of the Master 's degree programme in Nutritionand Food Sciences of October 28, 2022.


Bachelor'sdegree programme Catering and Hospitality Services of August 16, 2012.

Bachelor'sdegree programme Catering and Hospital ity Services of August 17, 2009

Bachelor's degree programmeCatering, Tourism and Hospitality Services of 26 September 2007

Bachelor'sdegree programme in Food, Nutrition and Hospitality Sciences of August 17, 2009

Bachelor's degreeprogramme Food, Nutrition and Hospitality Sciences of August 16, 2012

Regulations on the phasing out of the Bachelor's degree programme in Food, Nutrition and Hospitality Sciences of July 12, 2016

Regulations on practical semesters for the Bachelor 's degree programme in Food, Nutrition andHospitality Sciences and the Bachelor's degree programme in Catering, Tourism and Hospitality Services of 17 August 2009

Examination regulations for the Bachelor 's degree programme in Food, Nutrition and Hospitality Sciences of August 23, 2007

Internship regulations for the Bachelor's degree programme in Food, Nutrition andHospitality Sciences and the Bachelor's degree programme in Catering, Tourism and Hospitality Services of August 18, 2008

Master 's degreeprogramme Nutrition and Food Science of August 18, 2008

Degree examination regulations for the European Degree programme in Oecotrophology with the area of specialisationin Food, Nutrition and Hospitality Sciences of 12 December 2001

Degree programmeregulations for the European Degree programme in Oecotrophology with the area of specialisation in Nutrition, Nutrition and Hospitality Sciences of 12 December 2001

Degree examination regulations for the seven- and eight-semester Degree programme in Food, Nutrition and Hospitality Sciences of July 28, 2003

Degree regulations for the seven-and eight-semester Degree programme in Food, Nutrition and Hospitality Sciences of July 15, 2004

Diploma Examination Regulations for the seven and eight semester Degree programme in Food, Nutrition and Hospitality Sciences of 29 January 2001

Regulations for the seven- and eight -semester Degree programme in Food, Nutrition and Hospitality Sciences of 22 May 2001

Regulations for thediscontinuation of the seven- and eight-semester diploma program in Food, Nutrition and Hospitality Sciences of August 23, 2007.


Faculty of Applied Social Sciences


Bachelor'sdegree programme in Childhood Education dated December 16, 2015.

Bachelor's degree programme inchildhood education of August 9, 2021

Bachelor's degree programmein cultural education of July 27, 2017

dual Bachelor 's degreeprogramme in social work of November 6, 2018

Bachelor's degreeprogramme in social work from July 27, 2017

Bachelor'sdegree programme in Social Work dated August 14, 2013.


Master 's degree programmein cultural education and cultural management dated February 25, 2021.

Master 's degree programme inSocial Work - Psychosocial Counselling and Mediation of 25 February 2021

postgraduate Master 's degree programme inSocial Management at the Hochschule Niederrhein and the Münster University of Applied Sciences of August 17, 2016

continuing training Master's degree programme inSocial Management at the Hochschule Niederrhein and at Münster University of Applied Sciences of January 25, 2023

Contribution regulations for the continuing training Career-Integrated Degree Programmes in Social Management of August 18, 2017


Master 'sdegree programme in cultural education and cultural management dated October 1, 2013

Master's degree programmePsychosocial Counselling and Mediation of October 1, 2013

Bachelor 'sdegree programme Education in Childhood of September 8, 2010.

Placement Examination Regulations for the Bachelor 's degree programme Education inChildhood September 8, 2010

Bachelor's degree programme in childhoodeducation dated August 14, 2013

Bachelor's degree programmeCultural Education of September 8, 2010

Bachelor's degree programmein cultural education dated August 14, 2013

Bachelor's degree programme inSocial Work dated September 8, 2010

Study regulations for the Bachelor 's degreeprogramme Cultural Education and the Master's degree programme Cultural Education and Cultural Management of October 15, 2004

Master's degree programme in Psychosocial Counselling and Mediation of May 9, 2008

Master'sExamination Regulations for the Career-Integrated Degree Programmes inSocial Management at the Hochschule Niederrhein and the Münster University of Applied Sciences of October 19, 2010

Master's Examination Regulations for the Career-Integrated Degree Programmes inSocial Management at the Hochschule Niederrhein and the Münster University of Applied Sciences of January 23, 2006

Study Regulations for the Post graduate Degree Programmes inSocial Management at the Hochschule Niederrhein and the Münster University of Applied Sciences of January 23, 2006 (Amtl. Bek. HN 3/2006)

Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology


Bachelor 'sdegree programme Design Engineer dated June 14, 2017.

Regulations for determining the artistic and creative aptitude for the Bachelor's degree programme in Design Engineering of August 22, 2006.

Bachelor's degreeprogramme Textile and Clothing Management dated June 14, 2017.

Bachelor's degree programme Textile and ClothingTechnology dated June 14, 2017.

Bachelor's degree programme Textile and ClothingTechnology dated September 8, 2010.


Master 's degree programmeManagement of Textile Trade and Technology of 14 June 2017.

Regulations for determining eligibility for the Master 'sdegree programme Management of Textile Trade and Technology of October 22, 2015.

Master 'sdegree programme Textile Products of June 14, 2017.

Regulations fordetermining eligibility for the Master's degree programmeTextile Products of 22.10.2015.


Bachelor'sdegree programme Design Engineer of August 22, 2006

Bachelor's degreeprogramme Design Engineer of September 8, 2010

Bachelor's degreeprogramme Design Engineer of July 30, 2012

Bachelor's degreeprogramme Textile and Clothing Management from September 8, 2010

Master 's degree programmeManagement of Textile Trade and Technology from September 8, 2010

Master's degree programmeTextile Products from March 21, 2007

Master's degree programmeTextile Products from September 8, 2010

Bachelor 's degree programme Textileand Clothing Technology August 22, 2006

Bachelor'sand the Master's degree programme Textile and Clothing Management ofJuly 20, 2005

Diploma Examination Regulations for the Degree programme Textile and Clothing Technology of November 13, 2002

Faculty of Business Administration and Econo


Bachelor's degreeprogramme Banking and Finance dated August 29, 2017.

Bachelor 's degree programme Career-integrated Studies in Business Administration, Career-Integrated Studies dated March 21, 2012.

Bachelor's degree programme inbusiness administration dated August 29, 2017

Bachelor's degree programmeCyber Security Management dated October 9, 2020

Bachelor's degree programme SkilledTrades Management -Business Administration from June 12, 2015

German-French Bachelor 's degreeprogramme International Marketing from August 29, 2017

Bachelor's degree programmeSales and Marketing of August 11, 2021

Bachelor's degreeprogramme Taxation and Auditing of August 29, 2017

Bachelor's Examination Regulations for the Career-Integrated Degree Programmes inBusiness Administration, Major in Business Law and Business Law at the University of Applied Sciences Südwestfalen, Hagen Campus, at the University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld and at the Hochschule Niederrhein in Mönchengladbach dated January 10, 2008

Bachelor Examination Regulations for the Career-Integrated Degree Programmes inBusiness Administration, Major in Business Law and Business Law at the University of Applied Sciences South Westphalia, Hagen Campus, at the Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences and at the Hochschule Niederrhein in Mönchengladbach dated May 6, 2021

Bachelor's degree programme inBusiness Information Systems dated September 4, 2020

Bachelor 's degree programme in Business Information Systems dated August 29, 2017


Master 's degree programmeBusiness Management from August 29, 2017

Master's degree programmeCyber Security Management from June 1, 2021

Master 's degree programmeInternational Management from June 14, 2018

German-French Master 's degreeprogramme International Marketing from August 29, 2017

Master's degreeprogramme Leadership & Management from April 22, 2020

Continuing training Master's degree programmeManagement of April 29, 2010

Master's degreeprogramme Business Information Systems of August 29, 2017

Master's degreeprogramme Business Information Systems of October 25, 2022

Master's Examination Regulations for the Postgraduate Degree Programmes inBusiness Law at the University of Applied Sciences Südwestfalen, Hagen Campus, at the University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld and at the Hochschule Niederrhein in Mönchengladbach dated July 31, 2008

Schedule of fees for the continuing training Master's degree programme in Business Law of December 17, 2018

Master's Examination Regulations for the Postgraduate Degree Programme inBusiness Law at the University of Applied Sciences Südwestfalen, Hagen Campus, at the University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld and at the Hochschule Niederrhein in Mönchengladbach dated December 22, 2021


Examination Regulations for the Joint Master's Degree Programme "Taxation" of the Faculties of Business Administration at the University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf and Economics at the Hochschule Niederrhein of January 23, 2013

Bachelor 's degreeprogrammes Business Administration, Taxation and Auditing and Information Systems of July 11, 2006

Supplementary examination regulations for the German-French study program International Marketing within the Bachelor 'sdegree programme Business Administration at the Hochschule Niederrhein of August 21, 2008

Bachelor 's degree programme Career-Integrated Studies of August 20, 2007

Practical Project Regulations for the Bachelor 's degree programme Career-Integrated Studies in Business Administration, Career-Integrated Studies of December 20, 2007

Bachelor's degreeprogrammes Business Administration, Taxes and Auditing and Business Information Systems of March 21, 2012

German-French Bachelor 's degreeprogramme International Marketing of September 14, 2013

German-French Master 'sdegree programme International Marketing of 19 September 2013

Master's degreeprogrammes Business Management and Information Systems of February 28, 2007

Master 's degreeprogrammes Business Management and Information Systems of March 21, 2012

Supplementary examination regulations for the German-French study programme International Marketing within the Master 'sdegree programme Business Management at the Hochschule Niederrhein of August 21, 2008

Regulations for the Determination of Suitability for the Master 's degreeprogrammes Business Management and Information Systems of February 28, 2007

Master's Examination Regulations for the Career-Integrated Degree Programmes inBusiness Law at the University of Applied Sciences Südwestfalen, Hagen Campus, at the University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld and at the Hochschule Niederrhein in Mönchengladbach dated July 31, 2008