Depression and suicidality in the school context.
in childhood and adolescence

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.
Aims of the training

Upon degree completion, participants will be able to:

  • Recognize depression and suicidal behavior in children and adolescents and distinguish it from temporary emotional challenges.
  • Recognize early warning signs of possible depression and suicidality in pupils and respond appropriately.
  • Develop sensitivity to and understanding of psychological distress in pupils in the school environment.
  • to accompany pupils with depression and suicidal behavior in an empathetic and supportive manner.
  • To provide information about appropriate support and assistance services for affected pupils and to refer them accordingly.
  • To plan and implement preventive measures to promote mental health in the school context.
  • To develop and apply self-care strategies in order to strengthen their own mental health and to better cope with the challenges in the school context.




Introduction to Depression and Suicidality:
Participants will receive an introduction to the definition, causes, and risk factors of depression and suicidal behavior in children and adolescents.

Recognizing Warning Signs:
Teachers learn to recognize warning signs of possible depression and suicidality in pupils at an early stage so that they can respond appropriately.

Raising awareness of psychological distress:
The course promotes an understanding of psychological stress that pupils may be exposed to in everyday school life and sensitizes participants to possible stressors.

Dealing with those affected:
The course provides strategies and action skills to empathetically support pupils with depression and suicidal behavior.

Support services and interventions:
Teachers learn what support and assistance services are available and how they can adequately support pupils in crisis situations and refer them to further professional help.

Prevention and support:
The course covers preventive measures to promote mental health in the school context and shows how teachers can make a positive contribution to the prevention of depression and suicidality.

Finally, self-care strategies are taught for teachers to strengthen their own mental health and be well equipped for the well-being of pupils in stressful environments.

Target group

Pedagogues, teachers, (school) social workers, specialists from pedagogical and social work, parents, interested persons, others by arrangement

In-house training
Individually tailored to your requirements

1 day training from 9 am - 5 pm

If you are interested, please ask for dates at weiterbildung(at)

Participation fee

120 € per person per appointment, without catering

Prof. Dr. Anne-Friederike Hübener, M.Sc. M.A. is professor for social medicine / esp. social psychiatry at the Hochschule Niederrhein. As a double specialist for adult psychiatry as well as child and adolescent psychiatry, psychotherapy, medical quality management, with degrees in Public Health and Social Work , Community Psychiatry and over 10 years of practical experience in all areas of Health Care, her teaching approach is based on the idea of long-life-learning.

Her motto is: You cannot not learn!

Due to her good knowledge from different educational contexts she has a large treasure of innovative methods and concepts especially in areas of transdisciplinary - multiperspectival and multiprofessional learning. Besides the digitalization of the helping professions, she is interested in AI use in teaching education.

Your contact person

Ulrike Schoppmeyer
Center for continuing education Marketing | Sales