In 2023, gender equality is still not a reality in society, politics and the economy.
Imbalances in care work, access to management positions or safety in public spaces slow women down millions of times a day.
Surveys show that a majority (61%) of German men believe that equality has largely been achieved, while 59% of women believe it is still a long way off (source: "Generation What" project, Bayerischer Rundfunk, 2017, around 50,000 citizens surveyed - (Germany)).
The difference shows that there is still a lot to do.
This presentation by Vincent-Immanuel Herr and Martin Speer, authors, HeForShe Ambassadors for UN Women Germany and members of the 2022 Gender Equality Advisory Council (GEAC) of the G7 countries, invites you to reflect and provides concrete ideas on how men and women can make their contribution to a more gender-equitable society. We can only do it together!
The lecture will take place on 09.03.2023 from 16:30 - 18:00. Please register via the event management: