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Office for Equal Opportunity & Equality

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.
Aufnahme von vier Schaufensterpuppen mit orangenen Shirts und Halsband, auf dem ihre Todesursache beschrieben wird.
Die Puppen tragen alle ein Schild um den Hals, auf dem ihre Todesumstände beschrieben werden.

Day against violence against women and girls: Art campaign at MINTO

As part of an art campaign by the women's clubs Zonta I, II and the Soroptimists, 90 mannequins dressed in orange in the number of femicides were set up in the Minto in cooperation with the Equal Opportunities Officer of The Hochschule Niederrhein from the beginning of the year until the International Day against Violence against Women and Girls on November 25 in Germany.

Each doll had a tag with the date and a description of the femicide.

Numerous people were moved and engaged in conversation with those present.

The patron of the event was Lord Mayor Felix Heinrichs, who took the opportunity to emphasize the importance of the issue.

A few of the dolls will go to the university library on the Mönchengladbach campus from today and will be on display there until December 10, 2024 (end of Orange Days).

The university also took part in the lighting campaign in Mönchengladbach with its glowing orange logo on the main auditorium - alongside other companies and institutions such as SMS Meer, the Textile Academy, the Kaiser Friedrich Halle and the theater.