Textile and Clothing Technology
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Textile and Clothing Technology (taught in German)

Our Degree programme in Textile and Clothing Technology (taught in German) is divided into the fields of Textile Technology and Clothing Technology.
The identical basic studies of both fields of study provide an introduction to engineering topics, e.g. mathematics, EDP or chemistry, offer a foundation course in the fields of textile and clothing technology and are rounded off by economic textile and clothing topics.

In the main course of study, Textile Technology then deepens the knowledge of the production of yarns and textile surfaces. The textile production stages, starting with the raw material and ending with the final product, are presented and explained in detail in an extensive range of courses. In this context, the aspect of sustainable textile production is always taken up and discussed.
In accordance with the wide range of possible applications of textile surfaces, technical textiles are also considered in addition to clothing and home textiles.

In Clothing Technology, the focus is on the clothing product. The product development and production of clothing, taking into account the diverse body shapes and the relevant properties of textile materials, is the specialisation of Clothing Technology. Courses on planning, control and logistical handling of the processes relevant to Clothing Technology deepen the knowledge of the entire development and production chain of clothing. In addition to everyday clothing, specific clothing such as sportswear, workwear and protective clothing is also examined in detail in the courses.

Our faculty has numerous laboratories along the textile production chain, equipped with modern technology and up-to-date machinery. These are used intensively in teaching education in the sense of a practical orientation for bachelor studies. In addition, both fields of study offer two advanced courses of specialisation, which enable specific qualification.

The bachelor's degree opens up a wide range of prospects for our graduates in interesting fields of activity in textile and clothing companies as well as in the textile processing industry.

Both fields of study can also be completed in cooperation with a company.

Double degree

Within the Bachelor's degree programme there is the possibility to obtain the exclusive German-Chinese double degree "International Textile and Clothing Management" in cooperation with Tiangong University/VR China.

Dual studies

The dual studies combine practice and theoretical knowledge in a unique way. Parallel to their basic studies, the students undergo an apprenticeship in an industrial company specifically geared to their studies. In addition to financial independence, this guarantees a high level of practical relevance. The reciprocal influence of practical content from the in-company apprenticeship on the one hand and the theoretical and scientifically oriented studies on the other gives the students an incomparable practical orientation and the university a broad and practice-oriented basic knowledge. The dual studies are an optimal preparation for the requirements of an engineer in the professional world. This combination of apprenticeship and studies is appreciated and respected worldwide.

With the sameprogramme content, the first two semesters of study are completed on a part-time basis (two days a week) in parallel with the apprenticeship in the company and are thus spread over a total of four semesters. The subsequent study phase is completed in full-time studies.

Design Engineer (taught in German)

The Degree programme Design Engineering (taught in German) includes the two specialisations Textile and Fashion. The combination of design and technology represents the special demand in this Degree programme and ensures a broad basic knowledge that meets the requirements of an innovative and global textile and apparel industry.

The term design is understood as deliberate shaping or design. The engineering part is defined by the design of industrial, technically manufactured products. In order for a product to be convincing in the market today, multi-layered knowledge must be applied during development in addition to convincing aesthetics. Especially in the field of fashion and textiles, sustainable factors and recyclability are playing an increasingly important role. By integrating these challenges, the Design Engineering degree programme holds a unique course of study in Germany, which is completed with a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree by combining construction and design expertise.

For admission to this Degree programme, the aptitude test (abbreviated EFP) must be passed.

Further information can be found via the following link "Design Engineer".

Textile and Clothing Management (taught in English)

As internationalization continues and textile markets shift, there is an increasing need for graduates with interface skills and fluency in English. The Textile and Clothing Management degree programme is specifically tailored to the needs of the international textile and clothing industry. The Degree programme is offered entirely in English. Students acquire an overarching knowledge of Textile and Clothing Technology and Management in this degree programme.

Double degree

Within the Bachelor's degree programme there is the possibility to obtain the exclusive German-Chinese double degree "International Textile and Clothing Management" in cooperation with Tiangong University/VR China.

Our Master's degree programme in Textile Products (taught in German) offers numerous advanced courses to further qualify students for their professional careers. With its textile, clothing and design courses, the program offers students the opportunity to deal specifically with exciting, forward-looking and innovative topics and issues in their chosen field of study. In doing so, our students train to approach complex issues analytically, strategically and in a networked manner, e.g. in cooperative projects with industry. According to the desired individual specialization, it is possible to actively participate in interdisciplinary research and development projects and teams and to help shape the textile future in the long term.

Upon successful completion of the degree, graduates have a variety of career options open to them. In addition to leading positions in all areas of the textile and apparel industry and in the textile processing industry, this also includes the fiber and chemical industry and activities in consulting and marketing companies. In addition, the master's program qualifies students for scientific work in research institutes or universities and entitles them to pursue doctoral studies in various fields. Interesting research areas are all questions along the textile chain in the technical and organizational field.

For the Textile and Clothing majors there is the possibility to choose the specialisation Textile Electronics. In cooperation with the faculty of electrical engineering, courses are offered with advanced courses on textile electronics, innovative and future-oriented topics in the fields of textiles, clothing, electrical engineering as well as medicine and architecture. Interesting research fields on textile electronics complete the offer of the area of specialisation.

All Master of Science degrees meet the requirements for doctoral studies.

Management of Textile Trade and Technology

Building on the skills acquired in the bachelor's program, the Management of Textile Trade and Technology degree programme, which is taught entirely in English, involves working on project topics in teams and addressing relevant issues from industry.

The students are involved in ongoing research projects and can approach complex issues in the university's research institute. Analytical and networked thinking is specifically promoted in order to prepare students for the challenges of a globalized world. Depending on the field of study, the focus is on personnel and financial management, supply chain management or international trade as well as special textile technologies.

The Master's degree programme is divided into Trade and Retail and Technical Textiles. Graduates of this Degree programme can take up management positions in textile and apparel companies worldwide.

On November 17, 2022, the Ministry of Science NRW granted the doctoral college NRW the right to award doctoral degrees. With the right to award doctorates, the Promotionskolleg NRW can now conduct independent doctoral procedures and award doctoral degrees.
In addition, universities of applied sciences in NRW have the possibility to conduct cooperative doctoral studies. In this case, the doctoral candidates are supervised by professors from HAW as well as from a cooperating university.

Our faculty and our research institute for textiles and clothing also accompany and sponsor successful master students on their way to a doctorate. The doctoral students carry out their scientific work in research projects of our faculty and benefit from a large competence team of professors, scientific and technical staff as well as modern, unique technical equipment.

Virtual tour of the laboratories

Here is a YouTube video. Click on it to watch. The data protection regulations of google apply!

Recognition of examination results and periods of study

Have you already studied at another university in Germany or abroad? Then find out here about the possibilities for recognition of the examinations taken there as well as classification in a higher specialisation semester.


Continuing training in the textile and apparel industry

As a supra-regional further education institute, the Textile and Fashion Institute Mönchengladbach offers further education measures, seminars, workshops and discussion rounds on relevant topics, tailored to the special needs of employees in the textile and clothing industry and neighboring industrial sectors.

Find out more about continuing education programs for the textile and apparel industry on the pages of the "Textile and Fashion Institute MG".


The National Pact for Women in STEM Professions - "Komm, mach MINT." is the only nationwide network initiative that gets girls and women excited about STEM Degree programmes and professions.
It already networks more than 250 partners from politics, business, science and the media and translates the dialog on the topic of women and STEM into innovative measures.

You can obtain further information on admission requirements, application procedures, numerus clausus (NC) and other formalities from our central Student Advice Service.

You can obtain information on specific questions from our specialist advisor.