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Office for Equal Opportunity & Equality

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

Equal Care Day on February 29, 2024 | March 14 digital lecture "Aktive Vaterschaft - Ein Spagat zwischen Kind und Karriere"

Equal Care Day takes place on 29 February.

An almost invisible day for almost invisible work - that's what the initiators thought when they set 29 February as Equal Care Day. The day is intended to draw attention to the work that often takes place behind the scenes: Care work, i.e. caring, nurturing, caring in general.
Care work includes social work, midwifery, care and education professions, nursing and care for the elderly and working with people with disabilities. Outside of the profession or voluntary work, it also includes work in the family and housekeeping.
Many of these professions and private care tasks have things in common: They are predominantly carried out by women, they are not paid or not paid enough and if you don't do them, there is often the threat of external pressure as well as a guilty conscience.
Equal Care stands for the fact that not only the outdated and unfair distribution of gender roles should be a thing of the past, but also that the financial disadvantage that arises from family care work in particular must be abolished. Because working with and for people is so fundamental and socially relevant, a person who looks after their children or relatives in need of care must not experience financial disadvantages, such as a lower pension due to previous part-time employment. After all, care work is work that must be appropriately remunerated.

Fathers play an important role here. On 14 March 2024, our digital presentation "Aktive Vaterschaft - Ein Spagat zwischen Kind und Karriere" will provide information on the advantages of sharing paid work and unpaid family work as partners, the hidden benefits for everyone involved and how this can be implemented in everyday life. You will learn about the concept of active fatherhood and have the opportunity to exchange ideas. Further information on the event can be found here.
Anyone who needs support in balancing family and studies or work can contact the university's Family Service or the Equal Opportunities Officer.


Eine wichtige Rolle spielen hierbei die Väter. Am 14.03.2024 informiert unser digitaler Vortrag „Aktive Vaterschaft - Ein Spagat zwischen Kind und Karriere“ über die Vorteile einer partnerschaftlichen Aufteilung von bezahlter Erwerbsarbeit und unbezahlter Familienarbeit, seinen versteckten Gewinn für alle Beteiligten sowie Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten im Alltag. Sie lernen das Konzept der Aktiven Vaterschaft kennen und bekommen Möglichkeit zum Austausch. Weitere Informationen zur Veranstaltung finden Sie hier.
Wer Unterstützung bei der Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Studium bzw. Beruf benötigt, kann sich hierzu an den Familienservice der Hochschule oder die Gleichstellungsbeauftragten wenden.