Equality at The Hochschule Niederrhein

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

Central Equal Opportunity Officer

There for you in the context of diverse tasks!

As the central Equal Opportunities Officer of the Hochschule Niederrhein, I work together with my deputy at various interfaces to ensure that gender equality and family friendliness are practiced at our university.

It is particularly important to me to be a trustworthy contact person for all concerns in these areas for all university members. All Equal Opportunity Officers are bound by confidentiality and do not disclose any data or information to third parties without authorization. We want you to be able to work and learn well and freely with us!

As part of my work, I am the university's first point of contact for all questions regarding gender equality. In the area of human resources, I am involved in job advertisements and participate in selection procedures and interviews. At the same time, I advise on the preparation and amendment of the women's advancement plan and report on its implementation.


How do I become a central equal opportunity officer?

According to the election regulations of the Hochschule Niederrhein, the central equal opportunity representative and her deputy are elected by all female members of the university (students, employees, professors). And if you now rightly have the impression that this election does not comply with the principles of equality, you are right. However, the Equal Opportunity Commission discussed this issue in 2020 and came to the conclusion that the work of the Equal Opportunity Officer is predominantly in the area of the advancement of women. For this reason, the Equal Opportunity Commission opposed an expansion of the number of eligible voters and decided to discuss this issue on a regular basis.
The election itself is organized by the election committee and the term of office is four years.

Any member of the Hochschule Niederrhein who meets the legal requirements can stand for election as the central equal opportunity commissioner: "The professional qualifications of the equal opportunity commissioner should meet the comprehensive requirements of her duties; this requires either a completed university degree or other professional qualifications proven in individual cases."

Equality in the faculties

On site for you

The team of equal opportunity officers is represented in the individual faculties. The Equal Opportunity Officers offer advice, support and information to all students and employees directly where their everyday life takes place.

At the same time, the colleagues support the central Equal Opportunity Office in all tasks and concerns. This also includes participation in application procedures.

We are the right contact persons for all questions concerning the topic of gender equality.

We actively combat discrimination and sexism. If you yourself or someone you know is affected by it, we are there for you. Trust us, we are bound by professional secrecy.

Just visit us or make a personal appointment.

How do I become a representative of equality?

Equal opportunity representatives in the faculties are appointed by the respective faculty council. As a rule, a faculty has a departmental equal opportunity officer and a representative.
If you are interested in serving as a faculty equal opportunity representative, simply contact the local representatives.

Contact persons in the faculties

FB01 - Chemistry

You can reach the Equal Opportunity Officer and her representative on the FB by e-mail at gleichstellung01@hs-niederrhein.de.

Molecular Biotechnology Member ILOC Institute
Dr. Melanie Voigt
Research Assistant Organic trace analysis

FB02 - Design

You can reach the Equal Opportunity Officer and her representative on the FB by e-mail at gleichstellung02@hs-niederrhein.de.

Prof. Dr. Sigrun Prahl
Equal Opportunity Officer FB Design Urban Design international coordinator
Monika Eisele, Dipl.-Foto-Ing.
Research assistant for photography Teaching assignment photo/film/AV technology

FB03 - Electrical Eng. & Computer Sciences

You can reach the Equal Opportunity Officer at FB by email at gleichstellung02@hs-niederrhein.de.

Martina Braun, Business graduate
Project staff member competence centre FAST

FB04 - Mechanical & Process Engineering

You can reach the Equal Opportunity Officer and her representative on the FB by e-mail at gleichstellung04@hs-niederrhein.de.

Plant engineering and mechanical process engineering
Elke Gentsch
Faculty Secretary

FB05 - Oecotrophology

You can reach the Equal Opportunity Officer and her representative on the FB by e-mail at gleichstellung05@hs-niederrhein.de.

Dr. Annett Hilbig
Research Assistant; area of nutritional sciences, nutritional status, nutrition planning.

FB06 - Applied Social Sciences

You can reach the Equal Opportunity Officer and her representative on the FB by e-mail at gleichstellung06@hs-niederrhein.de.

Serena Berghaus, Dipl.-Soz.Päd., Dipl.-Soz.Arb.
Faculty Secretary Deputy Equal Opportunity Officer
Migration Education Equal Opportunity Officer Faculty of Applied Social Sciences

FB07 - Textile & Clothing Technology

You can reach the Equal Opportunity Officer and her representative on the FB by e-mail at gleichstellung07@hs-niederrhein.de.

Heike Kienow, Dipl.-Ing.
Teacher for special purposes for editing design
Birgit Marquardt
Secretary to the Dean

FB08 - Business Administration and Economics

You can reach the Equal Opportunity Officer and her representative on the FB by e-mail at gleichstellung08@hs-niederrhein.de.

Business administration, esp. organizational development and corporate management hdw-nrw mentor
Sabine Molls, M.A.
Research Assistant GEMIT Institute
Stephanie Lenz, Graduate economist
Deanery Officer Quality Management

FB09 - Industrial Engineering

You can reach the Equal Opportunity Officer and her representative on the FB by e-mail at gleichstellung09@hs-niederrhein.de.

Prof. Dr. Silvia Zaharia
Business Administration, in particular International Sales Management, Head and Managing Director of the eWeb Research Centre
Henrike Houbertz, Dipl. Wirt.-Ing. (FH), B. Eng
wiss. Assistant to the Dean of the Department of Industrial Engineering Study progress advisor of the Department of Industrial Engineering
Alina Enge

FB10 - Health Care

You can reach the Equal Opportunity Officer and her representative on the FB by e-mail at gleichstellung10@hs-niederrhein.de.

Annette Schmidt, M.Sc.
Teaching Education Applied Therapy Sciences and Student Advice
Human Resources Management and Organizational Development in Health Care


Equality work at universities is regulated by various laws:

  • The Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany contains the foundation of equality work in Article 3.
  • The Higher Education Act of North Rhine-Westphalia contains, among other things, important regulations on equal opportunity officers and equal opportunity-related allocation of funds.
  • For North Rhine-Westphalia, the Equal Opportunities Act for the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (Landesgleichstellungsgesetz - LGG) regulates, among other things, the tasks, rights and duties of equal opportunities officers.

The specific regulations for The Hochschule Niederrhein are set out in its basic regulations, election regulations and the respective departmental regulations.

The central Equal Opportunity Officer is also supported by the Equal Opportunity Commission.