Practical course content

A coating is not just the sum of its parts. Their interaction with each other and also with the substrate and the environment provide the content of the various coating practices. The condition of the substrate and its pretreatment as well as the application method and drying are also important for the result of a coating. Accordingly, the contents of the internships in the bachelor internships are, for example:

  • Handling of coating raw materials,
  • Properties and effects of paint components, e.g. dissolving behavior, color strength and influencing flow behavior,
  • Various application methods
  • Paint production and examinations


in the master practicals e.g.:

  • Investigation of the interactions of paint raw materials with each other and with the environment (e.g. weather resistance, aging behavior, etc.),
  • synthesis and characterization of synthetic resins
  • Formulation and optimization of coating materials
  • Characterization of paints and coatings
  • Corrosion protection


The students work in groups with increasing independence on various tasks and problems. The results are presented and discussed in seminars.

Everything in the paint

Paint events 2022

Report from the June 2022 coating tour at Meisterwerke, IFAM, Manchiewicz and Peter-Lacke.

Paint excursion 2022

External theses and internships

Page under construction.

Ext. final work and internship


Page under construction



Internship 3

Page under construction.

opening hours

Monday to Friday

by arrangement




Requirements can be obtained from the professors in charge.


Coatings Technology Member ILOC Institute
Paint Chemistry and New Materials ILOC Institute Director
Dr. Thomas Sturm
Academic staff Lack/ILOC Member ILOC Institute

The Technical Chemistry Laboratory

The supervising professors for the Technical Chemistry Laboratory (S E15) in Adlerstraße 32 at Campus West in Krefeld are Prof. Dr. Georg Krekel and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heyko-Jürgen Schultz.

The Technical Chemistry Laboratory is used for the practical training of students in the main topics of mechanical and thermal process engineering, chemical process engineering and safety engineering. In this way, the students - in addition to the theoretical content taught in the lectures and seminars - receive solid practical training in order to acquire a comprehensive professional qualification for chemical production processes. In addition, project work and theses - in both the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes - can be carried out in the Technical Chemistry Laboratory. Here, students are given the opportunity to work on exciting and current problems in chemical engineering at a high scientific level in a well-equipped laboratory. This is mostly done within the framework of current research work, which is realized by the doctoral students of Technical Chemistry in our laboratory. This broad spectrum of interesting and current practical work enables the engineers of tomorrow to design production processes optimally and to solve problems with the acquired knowledge and engineering methods.

Find out more about the internships we offer as well as possible degree and project assignments on this website. For further questions please contact our laboratory engineer M.Eng. Svenja Schramm is at your disposal.

Internship CVT II (B.Sc) | CVT (M.Sc.)

The Chemical Engineering (B.Eng.) internship is completed by students of the "Chemical Engineering" (B.Eng.) Degree programme with specialisations in Coatings and Technical Chemistry as well as the "Applied Chemistry" (M.Sc.).

In the summer semester the internship takes place between April and June, in the winter semester between November and January (duration: 1 day).


The upcoming internship round will be announced via "Current Information" on the internet. Please register by email to Mrs. Schramm within the given deadline.


Important: Registrations made outside the deadline cannot be considered for organizational reasons!

The six experiments (three each from the topics Mechanical and Thermal Process Engineering) will be performed in groups of two or, if necessary, in groups of three.

After registering for the internship, you will receive a confirmation email with the related information and the enrollment key to the Moodle course. In this course you will find all further information about the internship.

Experiments in the subject area of mechanical process engineering:

  • M1 Operating behavior of centrifugal pumps
  • M2 Determination of particle size distribution and surface area of a material by analytical sieving (not applicable for students M.Sc. in PO 2017)
  • M6 Suspending

Experiment on the subject area of thermal process engineering:

  • T1 Drying of a non-hygroscopic, water-containing material.
  • T6 Determination of the heat transfer coefficient in free convection (not applicable for students M.Sc. in PO 2017)
  • T7 Determination of the heat transfer coefficient of a countercurrent heat exchanger.

Responsible university teacher / lecturer

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heyko-Jürgen Schultz

Supervision of the internship

M.Eng. Svenja Schramm

M.Eng. Laura Lenters

Admission requirements

In order to participate in the internship of Chemical Engineering, certain requirements have to be fulfilled and proven. More detailed information can be found in the respective examination regulations.

Registration for the internship

Registration for the internship is done by e-mail with the following information:

  • Surname, first name
  • student registration number
  • desired internship: CVT Internship
  • current status sheet as proof of the necessary admission requirements

to the following e-mail address:



Internship Safety Engineering (B.Eng.)

The internship of Safety Engineering is undergone by students of the Degree programme "Chemical Engineering (B.Eng.)" with the specialisations Paint and Technical Chemistry.

In the winter semester, the internship takes place between October and February.

The aim of the SiTec internship is to sensitize the students to safety technology, which is omnipresent in everyday working life. In particular, the internship focuses on the design, calculation and construction of essential safety components.

Therefore, during the internship, contents of the lecture will be deepened and collaborative, exemplary calculations will be performed. Contents include:

  • Advanced course knowledge from the lecture on exemplary practical examples
  • Safety considerations
  • Bursting discs
  • Safety valves
  • Noise propagation
  • Dispersion of released substances, etc.

The tasks will be performed in groups of two or, if necessary, in groups of three.

After registering for the internship, you will receive a confirmation email with the related information and the enrollment key to the Moodle course. In this course you will find all further information about the internship.

Responsible university teacher / lecturer

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heyko-Jürgen Schultz


Supervision of the internship

M.Eng. Svenja Schramm

M.Eng. Laura Lenters

Admission requirements

In order to participate in the SiTec internship, certain requirements must be met and proven. More detailed information can be found in the respective examination regulations.


Advanced internship (M.Eng.)

The in-depth internship is completed in the first three semesters of the Master's degree programme in Chemical Engineering and comprises a total of 24 SWS. The students are to work on the given tasks and problems increasingly independently, partly in groups. The results are to be classified by the students in the state of knowledge and subsequently presented and discussed in seminars.

The internship includes experiments or performances on several disciplines of Technical Chemistry. There is no specific admission requirement.

The contents of the in-depth practical course may change annually. Currently, the following topics are to be covered:

  • Internship Technical Chemistry (MVT / TVT)
    and Process Engineering Task (Prof. Dr. Georg Krekel)
  • Seminar Process Simulation
  • Seminar Fluid Dynamics
  • Optimization internship (contact: Prof. Ernst Cleve)
  • Project engineering seminar (contact: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heyko-Jürgen Schultz)
  • Numerics seminar (contact: Prof. Ernst Cleve)

Only the internships printed "bold" in the listing are conducted in the laboratory or in the seminar room of Technical Chemistry (further information on the respective internships can be found further down on this page). For information on the other parts of the specialization internship, please contact the respective contact person.

Students are required to keep a so-called testate card as proof of the internships and seminars they have completed as part of the specialization internship. This certificate card is realized via the Moodle course "Vertiefungspraktikum TC". You will receive the registration key from Mrs. Schramm as soon as you are registered in the 1st semester of the Master's degree programme.

Just write an email to: svenja.schramm[at]

Internship Technical Chemistry MVT/TVT (M.Eng

The internship on thermal and mechanical process engineering is usually completed by students of the Master's Degree programme "Chemical Engineering" (M.Eng.) in the 3rd semester as part of the in-depth internship. The internship takes place in the winter semester between October and December (duration 2 days).


The upcoming internship round will be announced via "Current Information" on the internet and in the lecture of Prof. Dr. Krekel. Please register for the internship within the given deadline (all information about registration can be found further down on this page).

Important: Registrations made outside the deadline cannot be considered for organizational reasons!

During the internship of Technical Chemistry eight experiments from the topics of Mechanical and Thermal Process Engineering will be carried out. Two groups of two work on the experiments in the Technical Chemistry Laboratory per run.

Experiments in the subject area of mechanical process engineering:

  • M3 Sedimentation
  • M4 Flotation
  • M5 filtration
  • M7 Air classifier
  • M8 Fixed bed reactor
  • M9 Fluidized bed reactor


Experiment on the topic of thermal process engineering:

  • T2 Theoretical plate number of a rectification column
  • T3 Efficiency of bell bottoms
  • T4 Phase equilibrium (liquid/steam)
  • T5 Discontinuous open distillation
  • T6 Heat transfer by free convection
  • T9 Azeotrop rectification

As with the other internships, there is a Moodle course for the MVT/TVT internship that summarizes all the material and information about the internship. You will receive the access data for the course from Ms. Schramm after your registration.

Supervising university teacher / lecturer

Prof. Dr. Georg Krekel

Supervision of the internship

M.Eng. Svenja Schramm

M.Eng. Natalie Reinartz

Registration for the internship

The registration modalities for the internship will be explained in more detail in a preliminary discussion in the lecture by Prof. Dr. Georg Krekel (Mechanical Process Engineering) before the start of the internship round. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Schramm.

Seminar Process Simulation (M.Eng.)

Students of the Master's Degree programme "Chemical Engineering" (M.Eng.) usually take the Process Simulation seminar in the 3rd semester as part of the in-depth internship. The internship takes place in the winter semester between October and December (duration five days).


The upcoming internship round will be announced via "Current Information" on the Internet. Please register for the internship by email (all registration information can be found further down on this page) within the specified deadline.

Supervision of the seminar

M.Eng. Natalie Reinartz

Registration for the seminar

Please note the registration deadline given on the internet. Late registrations cannot be considered for organizational reasons. Places in the groups will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Subsequently, a group swap is only possible if a student of the other group is also willing to swap.

Seminar CFD (M.Eng.)

The seminar Computational Fluid Dynamics is usually taken by students of the Master's Degree programme "Chemical Engineering" (M.Eng.) in the 3rd semester as part of the in-depth internship. The internship takes place in the winter semester between December and February (duration five days).


The upcoming internship round will be announced via "Current Information" on the Internet. Please register for the internship by email (all registration information can be found further down on this page) within the given deadline.

The seminar on CFD will take place on two dates, each of five days from about 8:30 to 16:00 in the computer room of Technical Chemistry (S E29).

Due to the capacity of the room, 10-12 students can participate per date.

For the seminar it is recommended - if possible - to bring your private laptop on which an Ubuntu partition has been created. This Linux-based operating system can be obtained free of charge on the Internet.

In the seminar we will work exclusively with the open source programs OpenFOAM®, Blender® and ParaView®.


The seminar deals with the theoretical foundation courses of CFD as well as the possible practical application, especially for the simulation of technical flows.

Furthermore, selected examples from everyday engineering practice will be worked on using the open source software OpenFOAM® and the common solution methods (solvers). Finally, the results will be presented graphically using ParaView.

Supervision of the seminar

M.Eng. Laura Lenters


Please register for the seminar with the subject "CFD" to, indicating the desired group number and whether you can bring your own laptop. Please note the registration deadline stated on the notice board and on the internet. Late registrations cannot be considered for organizational reasons. Places in the groups will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Subsequently, a group swap is only possible if a student of the other group is also willing to swap.

Project Module (B.Eng.)

The project module is intended to introduce the students to their later professional activities through concrete tasks and practical work. The students have the opportunity to carry out this project module in the Technical Chemistry Laboratory. Here they work on current research topics independently but nevertheless under the competent guidance of our professors and doctoral students. In most cases, the project module is followed by the Bachelor's thesis on the same or a similar topic. This gives the students the opportunity to deal with a topic in depth over a longer period of time (approx. 6 months). However, students can also work on a topic independent of the Bachelor's thesis.

Further information can be found in the respective examination regulations and the responsible professors.

Responsible university teachers / lecturers

Prof. Dr. Georg Krekel and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heyko-Jürgen Schultz

Admission requirements

Examination regulations for the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes in Chemical Engineering at the Hochschule Niederrhein dated 31.07.2009 (Amtl. Bek. HN 13/2009), amended by regulations dated 7 August 2012 (Amtl. Bek. HN 20/2012), last amended by regulations dated 2 June 2014 (Amtl. Bek. HN 6/2014).

There are no explicit admission requirements according to the examination regulations. However, care is taken to ensure that the project module is not carried out until shortly before the Bachelor thesis towards the end of the Bachelor studies. Only then will the students have acquired a solid technical foundation through their studies and be able to draw on the contexts learned during the project assignment.

Examination regulations for the Bachelor's degree programme in Chemical Engineering at the Hochschule Niederrhein dated 15.08.2017 (Amtl. Bek. 51/2017).

Admission to the project module is granted when all 119 credit points have been acquired from the first four semesters of the full-time Degree programme and all course attendance certificates (abbreviated in module list: attendance certificate) have been completed. The project module is thus usually carried out in the sixth semester (of the full-time Degree programme), covers a continuous period of 16 weeks and is to be completed without division.
Registration for the project assignment

The registration for the project assignment and the selection of possible topics is done directly with the responsible professors.

Please contact our doctoral students, Mrs. Schramm or the respective professor directly.

Project assignments (M.Eng.)

The project module is usually completed in the third semester of the Master's degree programme in chemical engineering and comprises a total of 6 SWS. Within the scope of the project module, the students work on practical or theoretical topics from the field of chemical engineering or engineering research. The task for the students is to independently acquire missing knowledge with which the technical problems can be solved. For this purpose, inventive talent is often required. The solutions are to be documented according to engineering standards.

The project module offers students the opportunity to deal intensively with topics from the following areas:

  • Planning and construction of experimental plants
  • Feasibility studies
  • Process engineering studies
  • Cooperation in research projects

As a rule, two projects on different topics are carried out. If possible, the projects should be selected from two different areas. Group work of up to four persons is permitted.

The range of topics for the project assignments is constantly updated An up-to-date list of suggested topics can be downloaded from Sciebo at the Hochschule Niederrhein. You will receive the password after consultation with Ms. Schramm.

As proof of completed projects, the students are required to keep a so-called testate card (see also Vertiefungspraktikum). This card is signed by the university teacher / lecturer after the course has been successfully completed. The 18 CPs can only be booked on the students' status sheet once the testat card has been completed in full. The in-depth internship to be carried out in the Master's program is also noted on the certificate card. More information about this can be found on the respective website.

Download of the master testat card (PO 2017) (the password can be obtained from Mrs. Schramm).

Responsible university teacher / lecturer

Prof. Dr. Georg Krekel, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heyko-Jürgen Schultz

Registration for the project assignment

The registration for the project assignment has to be done directly with the responsible professors. Please contact our PhD students, Mrs. Schramm or directly the respective professor.

Theses (B.Eng., M.Eng.)

At the end of every studies there is a thesis. In the Technical Chemistry Laboratory, students have the opportunity to write their thesis (bachelor's or master's thesis) on current topics in Technical Chemistry and on interesting research projects (see "Our doctoral students introduce themselves"). In the case of Bachelor's theses, this is usually done after successful completion of the project assignment on the same topic or on a topic derived from it. An internal thesis is highly recommended if students can imagine a future career in a research and development department or in academic research. Those who are aiming for a doctorate should also consider an internal thesis, as this allows them to learn and practice strictly scientific work in a structured manner at an early stage.

Bachelor's thesis

In the Bachelor's thesis, students are required to work on a practical task with a practical emphasis / orientation, both in its subject-specific details and in its interdisciplinary contexts, within a specified period of time. Scientific and application-oriented methods are to be applied. The Technical Chemistry Laboratory provides the necessary resources and exciting and current topics in the field of research. The students are supported during their work by our doctoral students and the respective supervising professor.

To get an impression of the possibilities the Technical Chemistry Laboratory can offer you in the context of your Bachelor's thesis, here is a small excerpt of Bachelor's theses carried out in our laboratory during the last semesters:

  • Design and measurements of a stirred tank system with steam heating.
  • Experimental investigations of heat transfers at coil internals in a reactor model.
  • Investigation of UV-activated heterogeneous catalysis in connection with the usability of catalyst particles as tracer/seeding particles in PIV measurements.
  • Investigation of the influence of the agitated flow profile on gas hydrate formation in an autoclave using dimensionless indices.
  • Measurement and calculation of heat transfers in stirred reactors with coil internals.
  • Optical investigation of suspension and dispersion processes in a temperature-controlled stirred reactor with immersed tube coils.
  • Investigation of the influence of tube baffles on flow behavior in a stirred tank using stereo PIV.
  • Application of a high-speed camera system to process engineering experiments.
  • Thermodynamic study of the formation of gas hydrate surfaces.
  • Investigation of factors influencing induction time during methane hydrate formation under pipeline-like conditions.

Master's thesis

The master's thesis comprises a challenging problem from the field of Technical Chemistry. Largely independently - under the supervision of doctoral students and professor - the students carry out practical work on a current topic (research projects in Technical Chemistry). This includes the planning and selection of suitable experiments, their evaluation and critical consideration of the results obtained. The aim of the Master's thesis is to significantly expand the students' system and methodological competence and to prepare them for the high demands of working as a chemical engineer in the professional world.

To get an impression of the possibilities the Technical Chemistry Laboratory can offer you in the context of your master's thesis, here is a small excerpt of master's theses carried out in our laboratory during the last semesters:

  • High pressure studies on the kinetics of gas hydrate formation under the influence of different inhibitors.
  • Feasibility study for the implementation of a stirred reactor in the CFD program OpenFOAM®.
  • Implementation and commissioning of a stereo PIV measurement system.
  • Investigation of the representability of the mixing time behavior of stirring processes using the CFD software OpenFOAM®.
  • Development of inhibition concepts to avoid the formation of methane hydrates in pipeline-like systems.
  • Feasibility study for the simulation of heat transfer processes in the CFD software OpenFOAM®.
  • Investigation of heat exchange and mixing behavior on helical coils in stirred reactors using laser-induced fluorescence.
  • Investigation of flow conditions in reactors with coil internals using PIV systems.
  • Investigation of rearrangement phenomena on clathrates of natural gases.

Responsible university teachers / lecturers (bachelor's and master's theses)

Prof. Dr. Georg Krekel, Prof. Dr.- Ing- Heyko-Jürgen Schultz and if necessary other professors of the Faculty of Chemistry


Detailed information on topics, admission requirements, registration, etc. can be found in the respective module handbooks, in the examination regulations and can be obtained from the responsible professors. The usual procedure is to ask the professors about current topics if you are interested. This should be done well in advance of the desired start date, as the number of laboratory places is limited.

opening hours

Office hours of M.Eng. Svenja Schramm (S E21)

Monday to Thursday: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

and by appointment.

In addition, you can contact our doctoral students if you have any questions. Please contact them by phone or e-mail to make an appointment.


Opening hours laboratory (S E15)

Please note: Before starting any work in the laboratory (this also includes the stay in the office area of the laboratory), please report to room S E21!!!

Monday to Thursday: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

and by appointment


Office Laboratory Engineer M.Eng. Svenja Schramm: S E21

Technical Chemistry Laboratory: S E15


The requirements for the internships can be found in the respective examination regulations. If you have any questions, our laboratory engineer M.Eng. Svenja Schramm will be happy to help you.

Internship content

The internship "Wastewater Treatment Techniques" (module "Chemical Engineering II") for B.Eng., specialisation Technical Chemistry is offered in the Chemistry Laboratory. The internship takes place only in the winter semester. The internship is conducted in blocks with three hours of internship per week.

The internship consists of the following experiments

- Plant parameters of an experimental wastewater treatment plant

- Purification of a pre-scrubber water from a waste incineration plant

- Ozonation of waste water

- Performance of a reverse osmosis plant

Registration for the internship is done by e-mail within the deadlines indicated under "Current Information".

In addition, project and thesis work can be carried out. Here, topics from the field of Technical Chemistry/Wastewater Treatment as well as topics from Biophysical Chemistry are dealt with. This is usually done within the framework of current research projects. Major topics in the technical area are method development for the removal of persistent substances in wastewater, use of enzymes in wastewater technology and material recycling from wastewater.

In the field of biophysical chemistry, the focus is on the industrial use of enzymes for green syntheses. We are developing both new immobilization methods for enzymes and the physical analysis methods to characterize the new biocatalysts. In addition, the immobilized enzymes are used to show pathways to new, environmentally friendly products.

opening hours

by arrangement


U 117 - U 120


Prerequisite for participation in the internship "Wastewater Treatment Techniques" are 60 credits from the basic studies.


Professorship for Biophysical Chemistry, Member ILOC-Institute