
Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

Epicatechin - a secondary plant ingredient...

... with cardiovascular protective effect?

Project status: Completed | Processing period: 11.14 - 06.15

The study "EpiProtect" was submitted to the Ethics Committee of the Medical Faculty of the University of Bonn and no ethical or professional concerns were raised by this committee. This study is being conducted at the Hochschule Niederrhein in Mönchengladbach in close cooperation with the University of Bonn.

Background of the study

Regular consumption of cocoa can reduce the risk of high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases and thus have a positive effect on health. It is likely that the ingredients of cocoa protect against arteriosclerotic changes in the blood vessels by lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels. In addition, anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant effects may contribute to protection against cardiovascular disease.

These effects of cocoa are likely due to its high content of phytochemicals and are attributed in particular to flavanols. These include epicatechin, which is better absorbed by the body than other flavanols. Whether epicatechin is responsible for the protective effects of cocoa products is as yet unknown.

Aim of the study

Can the intake of epicatechin in amounts that are absorbed through the diet in a diet rich in epicatechin

  • lower blood pressure?
  • influence fat and carbohydrate metabolism in a beneficial way?
  • protect against LDL oxidation?


A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled intervention study in a cross-over design is planned. Included are 48 healthy subjects with an increased cardiovascular risk.

Course of studies

The subjects receive capsules with epicatechin or epicatechin-free capsules, which they take daily over a period of two weeks. This is followed by a break of two weeks. Subsequently, the study participants take capsules with epicatechin or epicatechin-free capsules for a further two weeks. In each case, the subjects thus receive epicatechin once in one phase.

The study extends over a period of six weeks. A total of four examinations take place at our facility at intervals of two weeks. Body weight and height are recorded, body composition and blood pressure are examined, and vascular elasticity is determined by ultrasound. In addition, blood is taken and analyzed with regard to various parameters of carbohydrate and fat metabolism.

At three appointments, participants document their food consumption with the help of a nutrition protocol.

Project management