Faculty of Food and Nutrition Sciences

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Community catering

Certification concept

The demands placed on the quality of food and beverage services are constantly increasing. The main reasons for this development are the increased demands of guests, stricter regulations under political law, and growing competitive pressure in the out-of-home catering sector. Against this background, certification can make a valuable contribution to sustainable quality assurance and quality improvement in catering establishments and also enable a positive differentiation of one's own range of services from those of competitors.

Details of the research work

Project management

Catering management and labor science

SUN Project

The INTERREG-funded German-Dutch SUN project - SUstainableand NaturalSidestreams, aims at the best possible use of sidestreams and their preservation as sustainable food. To this end, the potential uses of these side streams are being researched. The focus is, among other things, on the development of innovative beverages as well as the fermentation of the side streams as such.

Project status: Active I Processing period: 01.10.2019 - 31.12.2022

Research details


Artificial intelligence for sustainable food quality in supply chains

Project status: Active I Duration 36 months I 01.09.2022 - 31.08.2025


Research details

Our Master's students are currently conducting research in the following areas:

  • Evaluation of immunological rapid methods for the detection of allergens in foods
  • Rheological investigations into the thermal stability of processed cheese preparations
    Prof. Dr. Klaus Berger
  • Investigations into the life cycle assessment (LCA) of food
    Prof. Dr. Uwe Großmann, Prof. Dr. Christof Menzel
  • Food trends and their impact on the food industry and the food trade
    Prof. Dr. Andreas Heidbüchel
  • Strategies for reducing sugar and salt in processed foods - development of reformulated foods
  • Extraction and stabilization of functional food ingredients from sustainable sources
    Prof. Dr. Sabine Kühn
  • Acceptance of and barriers to high-calorie nutritional supplements among clinical personnel and patients in a maximum-care hospital
  • Nutrition therapy for Long-Covid
  • Obesity therapy and weight-related stigmatization
  • Dietetics
    Prof. Dr. Michaela Noreik
  • Natural substances and inorganic particles: Effect on pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms
  • Molds in food: Killing by heat, microwaves, etc.
    Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. Alexander Prange
  • Nutritional recommendations - cost analysis of a healthy diet
  • School breakfast as part of nutrition education
  • Nutrition communication in social media
    Prof. Dr. Dr. Christel Rademacher
  • Establishment of a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
  • Establishment of a Western blot
    Prof. Dr. Olga Renner
  • Potential of edible mushroom mycelia for the development of innovative and healthy foods - influence of light sources
  • Sustainable cultivation of Agaricus bisporus (BMBF-funded project INGRAIN TechEnt)
  • Project assignment within the externally-funded project INGRAIN BasiCALT (BMBF-funded):
    Revalorization of regional residues from the agricultural and food industry with the help of edible mushrooms
  • Process optimization in food biotechnology: Process optimization for the extraction of edible mushroom mycelia in the submerged process (bioreactor)
    Prof. Dr. Miriam Sari
  • KINLI: Artificial intelligence for sustainable food quality in supply chains (funded by BMEL)
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maik Schürmeyer
  • Measurement and Automation Engineering, Sensor Development and Process Design
  • Factor analysis to align process engineering with specific market segment requirements, such as production scaling or sustainability
  • Interaction of product properties and process design
  • Microstructure design development for the use of process-related material flows as functional products
    Prof. Dr. Felix Sedlmeyer
  • Health-oriented catering concepts in the New Work sector
    Prof. Dr. Jens Wetterau
  • Interaction of processes and ingredients
  • Extraction of functional substances from residues in food processing
  • Optimization and validation of processes
    Prof. Dr. Georg Wittich


Numerous studies indicate that regular cocoa consumption can contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular disease. For example, a meta-analysis of ten epidemiological studies found a 25% reduction in cardiovascular risk in individuals who regularly consumed cocoa products in higher amounts. In meta-analyses of randomized controlled intervention trials, a reduction in blood pressure, total and LDL cholesterol, an increase in vascular elasticity, and a decrease in insulin resistance have been demonstrated after cocoa consumption. Different collectives were studied, including type 2 diabetics. Since the cardioprotective effects are attributed to the flavanols in cocoa, flavanol-rich cocoa products that are processed in a flavanol-sparing manner are of great interest from a preventive point of view. Cocoa products containing at least 200 mg flavanols per daily portion may be advertised with the health claim "cocoa flavanols help maintain the elasticity of blood vessels, which contributes to normal blood flow" approved by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

Results published

Dicks et al. Nutrients 2018
Original paper



In Germany, about 5 million people suffer from the metabolic disease diabetes mellitus, of which about 90 % have type 2 diabetes. This diet-related, chronic disease is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. A change in diet is an important basis in the treatment of diabetes and can improve metabolic control. Certain food ingredients are believed to have a positive effect, such as secondary plant compounds, especially flavanols, which are found in cocoa and dark chocolate. Some studies suggest that consumption of flavanol-rich cocoa may reduce the rise in blood glucose levels as well as blood lipids after a meal, which is desirable with regard to diabetic metabolic conditions. Of particular interest is ActicoaTM cocoa powder from cocoa and chocolate manufacturer Barry Callebaut, as a daily serving (2.5 g) provides more than 200 mg of flavanols - significantly more than most commercially available cocoas. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) considered it proven that this amount of cocoa flavanols helps maintain the elasticity of blood vessels, contributing to normal blood flow.

Results published

Rynarzewski et al. 2019
Original paper



Research EpiProtect, Epichatechin, Prof. Dr. habil. Sabine Ellinger

Regular cocoa consumption can reduce the risk of high blood pressure as well as cardiovascular diseases and thus have a positive effect on health. The effects of cocoa are probably due to its high content of secondary plant compounds and are attributed in particular to flavanols. These include epicatechin, which is better absorbed by the body than other flavanols. Whether epicatechin is responsible for the protective effects of cocoa products is as yet unknown. The EpiProtect research project aims to find out whether the income from epicatechin in nutritive amounts can lower blood pressure, favorably influence fat and carbohydrate metabolism, and protect against LDL oxidation.

Results published

Kirch et al. Am J Clin Nutr 2018
Original paper

Talking openly about money

Talking openly about money - in the family center, research Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bödeker

The competent handling of money has become an important key qualification for a successful lifestyle. Preventive services have so far been aimed primarily at children, young people and people just starting out in their careers. Parents and families are rarely addressed directly and, as previous experience has repeatedly shown, are difficult to reach as a new target group.

Family centers with their new structure create a promising low-threshold access for families in the social area. In addition to childcare, they offer families a variety of counseling and educational services. To this end, they cooperate with external partners. The project uses this access route to explore the possibilities for counseling and education around the topic of financial literacy in family centers.

Details on the research work


"SiLKe - Secure Food Chain through the Application of Blockchain Technology" deals with the development of a blockchain solution that can enable full transparency for supply chains across all commodity groups.

Project status: completed
Processing period: 01.06.2019 - 30.08.2022

Research details