Faculty of Business Administration and Economics

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

Office of the Dean

Dean Information Security and Cybercrime, in particular Critical Infrastructure Protection Head of Clavis - Institute for Information Security at The Hochschule Niederrhein Member of the management team of the CMC MG

Cyber Management Campus MG / Clavis

Vice-dean Econometrics

Secretary's office

Nicole Komar
Deans Secretary
Eva Bohm
Stephanie Berels
Janina Biller, MBA
Dean's Office Officer, Head of IMB / IMM program
Course of Study Advising
Verena Esters, Graduate in business administration (FH)
Finance & Controlling
Frank Flore
Webmaster, TYPO3 administration, IT administration
Nina Friedrichs, M. A.
Lecture and exam management
Dr. Christina Grieb-Viglialoro
Frederike Hautmann, WMA, M.A.
Quality Management Program Coordination BBW / BSW / BSWD / BSWF/ MBM
Media didactician in the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics "digitaLe" team
Simon Ingmanns, M.Eng.
Energy Management and Controlling
Michael Käding
Auditing and tax law
Michael Lankes, Graduate in business administration (FH)
Stephanie Lenz, Graduate economist
Deanery Officer Quality Management
Dirk Loonen, Graduate Engineer
Program coordination of the joint programs Business Law BA / LLB / LLM
Andreas Pagonas
Program Coordination BWI, MWI, MWIT
Joel Schüßler, B.Sc.
Media didactics Team "digitaLe
René Steinwartz, M.A.
Classification and recognition, Program Coordination BBS / BHM / BBFD / BBFT / BBWD / MBA, Contract lecturer bank management & risk management, scientific work, learning methods
Dietrich Ushakov, B. Eng.
Laboratory Engineer, Technical Director DigiLab
Future of Work & Workforce Transformation
Business French, Business Spanish teacher for special purposes
Prof. Dr. Dirk Braun
Banking and Finance
Business English, teacher for special purposes
Olga Calina
Business English, teacher for special purposes
Economic, organizational and occupational psychology
Judith Collier, Dipl.-Kff. (FH)
Teacher for special purposes - Sales and Marketing
Prof. Dr. Kathleen Diener
Business Informatics, Digital Innovation

Institute Director GEMIT

Business administration, in particular auditing and tax law
General business administration, in particular internal accounting
Tax law and auditing
Prof. Dr. Lena Evertz
Human Resource Management
Prof. Dr. Boris A. Feige
Business informatics, esp. IT management
Prof. Dr. Christofer Fein
Information security and digital forensics
Business administration, in particular auditing and tax law
Vice-dean Econometrics
Business administration, esp. organizational development and corporate management hdw-nrw mentor
Prof. Dr. Marion Halfmann
Business Administration Marketing and Sales
Prof. Dr. Jonas Jasper
Business Administration, Sales and Marketing
Business Informatics
Martin Kasperski, M.Sc.
Teacher for special purposes - Sales and Marketing
Information Systems, esp. Data Science
Business English, teacher for special purposes
Business mathematics and statistics
General business administration, especially purchasing and logistics
Field of teaching business administration, controlling
Institute Director NIERS Economics, regional and sectoral structural policy

Institute Director NIERS

Prof. Dr. Stephan Kreissl
Field of teaching business law, Chair of the Examinations Board, Chairman of the examination and subject committee Career-Integrated Degree Programmes Head of the study program and advisor for the study program "Verbundstudium
Birgit Lankes, Graduate in business administration (FH)
SAP, scientific work teacher for special purposes
Cyber Security Management
Prof. Dr. Nicoletta Messerschmidt
Business Law
General business administration, especially finance
Personnel management, in particular personnel development
teacher for special purposes Business and financial mathematics, statistics, econometrics, actuarial science and finance
Cyber Security Management
Controlling, especially in the energy industry and business energy management
Prof. Dr. Georg Oecking
Business administration, especially controlling
Business administration, in particular tax law and auditing
Prof. Dr. Gael Pentang
Cyber Security Management
Prof. Dr. Christoph Pütz
Business Administration Marketing
Prof. Dr. Daniel Retkowitz
Business informatics, especially software engineering
Business Informatics, esp. Data Engineering Academic Director DigiLab
Prof. Dr. Sue Rossano-Rivero
Sales and Marketing Internationalization Officer
Business informatics, especially software development
Economics, especially finance & economic development NIERS Institute
Anjali Singhal, B.A.
Teacher for special purposes - Sales and Marketing
Prof. Dr. Berthold Stegemerten
Business informatics, in particular business application systems and information management
Prof. Dr. Christian Timmreck
Corporate strategy and finance
Dean Information Security and Cybercrime, in particular Critical Infrastructure Protection Head of Clavis - Institute for Information Security at The Hochschule Niederrhein Member of the management team of the CMC MG

Cyber Management Campus MG / Clavis

General business administration, marketing
Economics, in particular foreign trade theory, NIERS Institute
Field of teaching ecology and economy
Prof. Dr. Shiva Wickert
General Business Administration, in particular International Procurement
Business informatics, especially communication systems and applications
International Management
Business administration, especially purchasing and logistics
Ruth Bagusche
Contract lecturer Business English
PD Dr. Kurt Behnke
Contract lecturer Mobile Data Communication
Anita Bennink, Specialist attorney for labor law, personnel management expert
Contract lecturer Career-Integrated Degree Programmes, Labor Law / Interdisciplinary Project
Prof. Dr. Stefan Bensch
Contract lecturer Selected topics in programming
Susanne Biehler
Contract lecturer Current topics in leadership & management, MBA
Prof. Dr. Annette Blöcher
Contract lecturer WP Conflict Management
Frederik Bolz
Contract lecturer Business English
Petra Breuer-Küppers
Contract lecturer Scientific Work II
Christina Busch
Contract lecturer procedural law
Johannes Bäumges
Contract lecturer commercial and labor law
Prof. Dr. Christian F. Dechêne
Contract lecturer Career-Integrated Degree Programmes, Marketing
Prof. Dr. Joerg Dederichs
Honorary professor, Contract lecturer for innovation and change management
Dr. Jan Dörrwächter
Contract lecturer MBA Organization and Human Resource Management
Prof. Dr. Antonius Ewers
Honorary professor, contract lecturer in commercial law
Dr. Heinz Fischer
Contract lecturer International Marketing
Prof. Dr. Kristian Foit
Contract lecturer Controlling, MBA
Wolfgang von Gehlen
Contract lecturer Professional negotiation and sales techniques
Prof. Dr. habil. Wolfgang Geise
Contract lecturer Selected issues in brand management
Frank Gierschmann
Contract lecturer Employee Management, MBA
Mats Lucas Görlich
Contract lecturer traffic taxes
Jörg Hesse
Contract lecturer Intercultural Leadership and Collaboration, MBA
Dr. Klaus Hintzen
Contract lecturer International Business, International Capital Goods Marketing
Dr. Aloys Hüttermann
Contract lecturer administrative and IT law
Dr. Sven Jansen
Contract lecturer Sales Law
Marc Janssen
Contract lecturer Business Models and Entrepreneurship, MBA
Helga Jeschonowski-Grigat
Contract lecturer Scientific work & learning methods
Kristina Klahm
Contract lecturer Marketing II (specialisation) & International Marketing
Peter Klesse
Contract lecturer Sales and Price Management, MBA
Ulrich Klötzsch
Contract lecturer leadership
Prof. Dr. Angela Knauer
Contract lecturer Employee Management, MBA
Thomas Knops
Contract lecturer International Marketing, MBA
Dr. rer. pol. Fabian Kreutzer
Contract lecturer International Economics
Oliver Lemm
Lecturer in Corporate Strategy in the Skilled Crafts I & Business in the Skilled Crafts II
Michael Lindemann, RiAG
Contract lecturer for the Career-Integrated Degree Programmes in contract design
Prof. Dr. Angela Lindfeld
University lecturer IST University of Applied Sciences for Management, Düsseldorf
Andreas Loch
Contract lecturer sales and marketing
Dr. Werner Lohrberg
Contract lecturer Strategic Management, MBA
Claudia Look, Attorney at Law
Contract lecturer in the Career-Integrated Degree Programmes Civil Law, Commercial Law
Prof. Dr. Gisela Mevißen M.E.S.
Contract lecturer in the Career-Integrated Degree Programmes Public Business Law, International Business Law, Employment Law, Mediation
Dr. Ralf Meyer-Thamer, Patent Attorney
Contract lecturer in the Career-Integrated Degree Programmes Competition Law, Intellectual Property Law and Copyright Law
Dragan Mitrovic
Contract lecturer in procedural law
Josef Moll
Contract lecturer investments and financing, inheritance law and inheritance tax law, taxation
Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Mülder
Contract lecturer BWL-Basics
Liam Nelson
Contract lecturer Business English
Johannes Ottinger
Contract lecturer Business Project: Project Management, Digital Work & Communication
Doris Pelletier
Contract lecturer learning methods
Dr. Patrick Peters
Contract lecturer in business ethics
Dr.-Ing. Markus Profijt, Diplom-Kaufmann
Contract lecturer Business Ethics, Ecoland Business Game & International Management Game
Sebastian Pukies
Contract lecturer Current Topics in Leadership & Management, MBA
Dr. Stephan Rahmen
Contract lecturer annual financial statement audit
Magdalena Richtarski
Contract lecturer Current topics in leadership & management
Christian Richter, Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing.
Contract lecturer conflict management
Frank Ridder
Contract lecturer Advanced aspects of IT frameworks
Vasantharanee Sarnow
Contract lecturer Business English
Klaus Sasserath
Contract lecturer for the Career-Integrated Degree Programmes in Controlling
Minal Sauerhammer
Contract lecturer Intercultural Communication in the Business English & Supplementary Module II: Intercultural Communication & Cooperation
Honorary Professor, Contract lecturer specialisation personnel II
Waltraud Schleser
Contract lecturer Business German
Frank Schlüter, Dipl.-Ing.
Contract lecturer Field Study, MBA
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Uwe Schmitz
Contract lecturer Internal accounting and application software with SAP ERP
Dr. Mario Schmitz-Buhl, Dipl.-Psych.
Contract lecturer Career-Integrated Degree Programmes Management Competencies Leadership Strategy Innovation Management Communication and Cooperation
Michael Schröder
Contract lecturer Group accounting
Dr. Natalia Shyriaieva
Contract lecturer Applied Mathematics
Michelle Sloane-Loetzke, BA
Contract lecturer English Contract lecturer Career-Integrated Degree Programmes Law and Business English
Martin Sowa
Contract lecturer Asset Management and Retail Banking & Financial Services II
Sven Staude, Lawyer
Contract lecturer specialisation in human resources I & workforce deployment/release, labor law
Uwe Stichert
Contract lecturer Business English
Dr. Peter Striewe
Contract lecturer for the Career-Integrated Degree Programmes in contract design
John Thomson
Contract lecturer Business English
Sabine Thon, Attorney at Law
Contract lecturer for the Career-Integrated Degree Programmes in Commercial and Corporate Law, Information and Communication Law
Stefan Ulbrich, Dipl.-Inf.
Contract lecturer in the Career-Integrated Degree Programmes in Electronic Commerce Technology
Thomas Urban
Contract lecturer Marketing I (specialisation)
Dr. Arnd Verleger
Contract lecturer Bank Management & Risk Control
Jonas Wenke
Contract lecturer Current Topics in Leadership & Management, MBA
R.A. Stefan Wimmers
Contract lecturer law for business informatics
Ewa Zemanek
Contract lecturer Business English
Ingo von Lishaut
Contract lecturer in accounting & communication and interviewing
Michael von Uechtritz und Steinkirch
Contract lecturer Advanced aspects of IT frameworks
Prof. Dr. Joerg Dederichs
Honorary professor, Contract lecturer for innovation and change management
Prof. Dr. Antonius Ewers
Honorary professor, contract lecturer in commercial law
Honorary Professor, Contract lecturer specialisation personnel II