We are very happy to welcome all first-timers on 23.09.2023 in our Shedhalle on the Camps West at Frankenring 20 in 47798 Krefeld.
The schedule is planned - as follows (subject to change at short notice):
10:00 a.m. Admission to the Shedhalle
10:30 a.m. Welcome of the first-year students by the President (video message)
10:35 a.m. Welcome of the first-year students by the Office of the Dean
10:45 a.m. Start presentation lecturers
11:30 am Presentation of Student Degree Programme Counselling
11:35 am Presentation of Equality
11:40 am Fire Safety Instruction
11:45 am Coffee & Strudels in the Shedhalle / Division of first-year students into groups for the next days by faculty student body.
In the main foyer at Frankenring 20 you will be welcomed by Ersti-Tutor:innen, who will show you the way to our Shedhalle!