For students

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

First year welcome on 25.09.2023

We are very happy to welcome all first-timers on 23.09.2023 in our Shedhalle on the Camps West at Frankenring 20 in 47798 Krefeld.

The schedule is planned - as follows (subject to change at short notice):

10:00 a.m. Admission to the Shedhalle
10:30 a.m. Welcome of the first-year students by the President (video message)
10:35 a.m. Welcome of the first-year students by the Office of the Dean
10:45 a.m. Start presentation lecturers
11:30 am Presentation of Student Degree Programme Counselling
11:35 am Presentation of Equality
11:40 am Fire Safety Instruction
11:45 am Coffee & Strudels in the Shedhalle / Division of first-year students into groups for the next days by faculty student body.

In the main foyer at Frankenring 20 you will be welcomed by Ersti-Tutor:innen, who will show you the way to our Shedhalle!

Johanna Schallenberg
Contact person for all examination and study questions
Directions to Campus West

First week procedure

Monday, 25.09., from 10:00 a.m.
Ersti-Begrüßung in der Shedhalle, Frankenring 20, 47798 Krefeld (Program see above)

Tuesday, 26.09., 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Meeting in the main foyer / group work with Ersti-Tutor:innen

Wednesday, 27.09., 8:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Meeting in the main foyer / group work with first-year tutors

From 15:00 Street-Food-Festival in Mönchengladbach (Shuttle-Servie from 14:15)

Thursday, 28.09., 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Meeting in the main foyer / group work with first-year tutors

Friday, 29.09., from 8:30 a.m.
Meeting in the Shedhalle / Presentations of the group results

from 10:00 p.m.
Party "Ersti meet Alumni" at, Dießemer Straße 22, 47799 Krefeld

Guide to registration

You still have two steps to complete before the commencement of studies:

The online application for registration at the university:

Very important! Please apply online until September 15th 2023 HERE for the open-admission Degree programme in Communication Design or Product and Object Design.

Registration at The Hochschule Niederrhein:

You will receive written notification from the student office about the documents you need to submit for registration. Please send these documents to the student office by e-mail.

Information for communication designers

Ideally, you will already be equipped with the following at the start of the semester:

A student subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud (after your registration).

Whether you want to buy an Apple or a laptop is a matter of price. Both systems will work with the Adobe programs you need. In the agencies you will mostly work on Apple later on. It doesn't always have to be the latest model. For reasons of sustainability, you can also fall back on used products, so-called "refurbished" models (for example, or or other alternative providers). These are well refurbished and usually have at least one year warranty.

6-core or better
Alternative "M1" technology (Apple)
16 GB Ram
500 GB SSD

External hard drive:
is needed for data backup and transport.
1 or 2 TB SSD

Reasonable mouse (e.g. Logitech)

optional an external monitor (if you want)

Course schedules SoSe 2023

You can find the course schedule for the summer semester here.


Course enrollment is available through the campus management system and will be open to students as of 03/15/2023.



Click here for the courses

Self-study room

self-study rooms

For students in the faculty, P E47 is available as a self-study room.


Module Manuals

Module Manual B.A. Communication Design / PO 2022

ModuleManual B.A. Product and Object Design / PO 2022

Module HandbookB.A. Communication Design / PO 2016

Module HandbookB.A. Product and Object Design / PO 2016

ModuleHandbook M.A. in Design / PO 2016



According to the Higher Education Act in North Rhine-Westphalia, attendance is no longer compulsory for lectures, which is perfectly fine, after all, there are many ways of imparting knowledge and learning today. The consequence: If you acquire theoretical knowledge online in self-study (this time is sufficiently provided for in your curriculum) and I no longer have to hold lectures, I have more time available offline for your project study.
That's why I'm making all my communication design lectures available online for you to read yourself.

Learn more

Individual consultation for questions, suggestions and difficulties

When? By appointment, preferably by e-mail or spontaneously on Monday, Wednesday or Thursday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Where? N 214


Research assistant

As part of the "rhein:dimensional" cooperation between the Peter Behrens School of Arts in Düsseldorf and the Faculty of Design at the Hochschule Niederrhein, our POD students can take courses in the Düsseldorf Bachelor's Degree programme "New Craft Object Design".

With the cooperation agreement, the two universities are strengthening the promotion of technology and knowledge transfer through the mutual opening of courses and the development and implementation of joint projects. As a result, students at both universities have access to an even broader range of courses that can be used to further develop and promote individual skills.

Within the framework of the cooperation, both universities waive the levying of a second student fee.


Prof. Nicolas Beucker
Dean of Studies Chair Study Advisory Board Public and Social Design
Johanna Schallenberg
Contact person for all examination and study questions
Research assistant

Important note!

For technical and legal reasons, it is not possible to submit applications to the Examinations Board, the Chairman of the Examinations Board or the staff of the Examinations Office by e-mail, to lodge appeals or to make other statements relating to examination law.
Such procedural actions can only be taken in writing by mail and fax or orally on record before the Chairman of the Examinations Board or the staff of the Examinations Office.

Examination Office

Krefeld Examination Office
Reinarzstr. 49
47805 Krefeld
Fax: +49 (0)2151 822-2798

Monday to Friday: 9:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
and 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. (and by appointment)

Room: 6 (in the Student Service Center)

Learn more



Here you can find out how to register your thesis.

Learn more

Recognitions of achievements

Application for a higher specialisation semester

University transfer students who wish to be placed in the second or higher specialisation semester must submit an application to this effect to the Examinations Board of Faculty of Design (02) in time for their application.
Before a request for recognition is submitted in writing, a consultation meeting should take place with the Chair of the Examinations Board. For this purpose, please contact the Chair of the Examinations Board by e-mail.

Learn more

Examinations Board

The Examinations Board is a body of the faculty consisting of professors, academic staff and students of the faculty.

The Examinations Board

  • ensures that the examination regulations are observed,
  • is responsible for the organization and proper conduct of examinations,
  • mediates in the event of conflicts in examination procedures or decides in the event of objections to the course or results of examination procedures,
  • decides on the crediting of examination results.
Learn more

Examination regulations

All examination regulations at a glance

Learn more

Seminar room:

If you need a room at the university for your oral examination or presentation, please send an email to the following address:


Your mail should contain the following information:

  • Date
  • time period (incl. set-up & dismantling)
  • room size (if applicable)
  • required equipment (beamer, whiteboard)

The coordination office will process your request as soon as possible!


Photo studios:

Please reserve the photo studios directly via the reservation portal for photography:



All events in the Shedhalle must be registered in advance with Emilia Breit: emilia.breit(at)

Students in their 3rd semester and above have the opportunity to design hike. To do this, proceed as follows:

  • You choose a course from the course catalog of the host university.
  • You register via the following link: Registration for Designwandering
  • Dear students from other universities! The best way to find out which seminars are offered in designkrefeld is to check the course catalog under BA Communication Design and BA Product and Object Design: click here for the course catalog

Further procedure:

  • A few days after registering, you will be notified if the lecturer opens the desired course for design walking and accepts you.
  • At the beginning of the course you will then personally introduce yourself to the lecturer of the course at the host university.
  • Upon completion of the course, the lecturer will evaluate your performance on a certificate from your home university or on the design walking certificate.
  • You will forward the original evaluation to the university teacher / lecturer at your home university.
  • The university teacher / lecturer posts the grade.

You can find detailed instructions HERE.

Welcome to the pages of the runaways, world seekers and experience collectors!

In the 5th and 6th semester you have the possibility to choose between a semester abroad, an internship semester abroad and a domestic internship.

In order to make your choice easier, you will find all information, contacts and a handout for download on the following pages. Step by step, you can work through, consider and plan all the important points with the help of valuable tips, so that your memories remain life-enriching and do not fade away due to formalities.

Have fun designkrefeld!


Danny Eickemeyer, Dipl.-Kfm. (FH)
Department Manager Contact for press and cooperation inquiries

To support the compatibility of family and career or studies, the equality of the Hochschule Niederrhein offers together with the Faculty of Design the Creative Lab for children and young people of university employees. In cooperation with the children and young people, an innovative educational and experiential space is to be created, which conveys knowledge in a tangible way. Various workshops in the design workshops on the West Campus provide a playful framework on the topic of design and trade.

The Creative Lab has been running weekly since March 2020 under the direction of Sarah Watta-Baum (M.A.) from the Faculty of Design. The workshops take place at the Krefeld West campus (room OE28). The costs for the offer are covered by the university's Equality Office.

In 2023, the various workshops will each be offered as a separate course unit with three to four consecutive weekly course dates. This allows for flexible enrollment based on children's areas of interest. Invitations with details and a registration link will be sent out by e-mail for each workshop.

Here is a YouTube video. Click on it to watch. The data protection regulations of google apply!


Semester dates

Summer semester 2023

Lecture period: 20.03.2023 - 14.07.2023
Examination period: 03.07.2023 - 14.07.2023

The booking of the courses is done via the campus management system and is possible for students from 15.03.2023.
The course schedule for the summer semester 2023 can be found here.

An overview of the dates in the summer semester 2023 can be found here


Registration period examinations WS 2022/23: 15.12.2022 - 15.01.2023
Examination period: 23.01. - 03.02.2023


Information on examination matters
Examination regulations Hochschule Niederrhein

Module Manuals

Module Manual B.A. Communication Design PO 2022
Module Manual B.A. Product and Object DesignPO 2022
Module Manual B.A. Communication Design PO 2016
Module Manual B.A. Product and Object Design PO 2016
Module Manual B.A. Design
Module Manual M.A. in Design

Guides & HOW TO...


For the degree programmes Communication Design and Product and Object Design:
Download HERE >> How to...semester abroad

For the degree programmes Communication Design and Product and Object Design
Download HERE>>How to...Internship Semester

Registration and application for internship semester abroad
Here you can find the form for the application for admission and evaluation of the internship semester on the Examinations Office page. For detailed information on how to proceed and how to fill out the form, please refer to the notes and help.

Guideline for term papers in FB Design
Guideline for term papers

Procedure for the registration of the thesis
Information and forms for the registration of the thesis can be found on the pages of the Examinations Office.