About the faculty

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.


KOMM KOMM - Archive and Exhibition with "Krefeld Projects

As part of the "Urbanorama° - Festival for Poetic City Moments" on the occasion of the city's anniversary "650 years of Krefeld", students from the…

urbanorama° - urban reveries, a hands-on day for children with workshop, exhibition and discussion

Happiness is on the street and children know best where to find it. We invite children from 10-13 years to discover favorite places in their city and…

designkrefeld team wins "Parti Contest - New ideas for your university

Prof. Lisa Freyschmidt and the students Elisabeth Wehmeyer, Joshua Korn and Jonathan Werner were awarded for their teaching format "form follows…

urbanorama° - Liveable City, 28 x Urban Development in Denmark

Without citizens, no city. At the same time, cities must prepare for the future and become more sustainable. But how can the city be made livable for…

View all news
< January 2025 >

Coordination office N 125

Regular opening hours:

Monday to Thursday: 09:30 - 12:30 o'clock

Friday: closed




Contact us

Doris Schultz, Dipl. business economist
Contact person for general administration
Danny Eickemeyer, Dipl.-Kfm. (FH)
Department Manager Contact for press and cooperation inquiries

Screen printing

Closed in the period

During the rest of the lecture-free period, the workshop will be open at the usual times.


Contact me

Beate Wagner
Employee in the field of screen printing


Changed opening hours lecture-free period (until 22.9.23)

Monday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Tuesday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Wednesday8 8:30 am to 5:00 pm

Closed during


Contact me

Marco Henkenjohann, Dipl.-Des.
Academic staff Printmaking


Closed in the period

In the days in between please check the opening hours here Https://designkrefeld.de/photography


Contact us

Monika Eisele, Dipl.-Foto-Ing.
Research assistant for photography Teaching assignment photo/film/AV technology
Birgitta Thaysen, Photo artist
Research assistant Photography/Film Lectureship Photography/Film

Office of the Dean

Changed opening hours lecture-free period (until 22.9.23)

Monday-Thursday from 9.30 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.
Closed on Fridays

Prof. Dr. Erik Schmid
Dean Theories of design
Prof. Nicolas Beucker
Dean of Studies Chair Study Advisory Board Public and Social Design
Knut Michalk, Dipl.-Des.
Finance Dean Practical teaching of skills of fine ceramic manufacturing techniques as well as model and mold making; CAD 3D modeling.
Danny Eickemeyer, Dipl.-Kfm. (FH)
Department Manager Contact for press and cooperation inquiries
Johanna Schallenberg
Contact person for all examination and study questions
Doris Schultz, Dipl. business economist
Contact person for general administration
Prof. Nicolas Beucker
Dean of Studies Chair Study Advisory Board Public and Social Design
Tim Dübbert, B.A. design
Teaching assignment project management
  • Room: /
  • Phone: /
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  • Frankenring 20

  • 47798 Krefeld
  • Consultation:

    By appointment via mail

Danny Eickemeyer, Dipl.-Kfm. (FH)
Department Manager Contact for press and cooperation inquiries
Monika Eisele, Dipl.-Foto-Ing.
Research assistant for photography Teaching assignment photo/film/AV technology
Prof. Lisa Freyschmidt
Ceramic, porcelain and glass design
Prof. Bernd Grahl
Object Design and Object Systems / Trade Fair and Exhibition Design Vice Chair Examinations Board
Prof. Bernd Grellmann, Dipl.-Des.
Honorary professorship Teaching assignment Presentation Techniques, Speech/Text, Practical Knowledge I
Prof. Nora Gummert-Hauser
Typography and Editorial Design Chair of the faculty council
Prof. Etienne Heinrich
Motion Design Vice chair faculty council
Marco Henkenjohann, Dipl.-Des.
Academic staff Printmaking
Professor Richard Jung vom Fachbereich Design der Hochschule Niederrhein
Prof. Richard Jung
Communication design and corporate identity
Thomas Junold, Dipl.-Des.
Academic staff DTP Teaching assignment DTP 1
Heiko Jürgens, Dipl.-Des.
Teaching assignment Marker Techniques I + II
  • Room: /
  • Phone: /
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  • Frankenring 20

  • 47798 Krefeld
  • Consultation:

    By appointment via e-mail

Prof. Gudrun Kemsa
Moving images and photography
Thomas Klefisch, Dipl.-Des.
Teaching assignment design project
  • Room: /
  • Phone: /
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  • Frankenring 20

  • 47798 Krefeld
  • Consultation:

    By appointment via e-mail

Prof. Thomas Klegin
Design theory and plastic design
William Klein, BA Design
Motion Design
Prof. Thorsten Kraus
Communication design for digital media
Jens Könen, Dipl.-Des.
Academic staff Typography and Editorial Teaching assignment typography
Mathias Lanfer, Dipl.-Des.
Design theory, drawing
Knut Michalk, Dipl.-Des.
Finance Dean Practical teaching of skills of fine ceramic manufacturing techniques as well as model and mold making; CAD 3D modeling.
Prof. Dr. Kerstin Plüm
Chair Examinations Board Art and Design Science
Prof. Dr. Sigrun Prahl
Equal Opportunity Officer FB Design Urban Design international coordinator
Johanna Schallenberg
Contact person for all examination and study questions
Prof. Dr. Erik Schmid
Dean Theories of design
Guido Schneider, Dipl.-Des.
Teaching assignment typography, type design
  • Room: /
  • Phone: /
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  • Frankenring 20

  • 47798 Krefeld
  • Consultation:

    By appointment via e-mail

Doris Schultz, Dipl. business economist
Contact person for general administration
Christof Schumacher, Master craftsperson in the skilled trades sector, BA. Product Design
Carpenter in the model workshop
Stefanie Schweers, Dipl. Des.
Research assistant in the printing workshop/DTP
Anselm Strauß-Deli, Dipl.-Des.
Computer-aided design techniques, project supervision
Prof. Jochen Stücke
Drawing, Illustration and Artistic Printmaking
Birgitta Thaysen, Photo artist
Research assistant Photography/Film Lectureship Photography/Film
Research assistant
Beate Wagner
Employee in the field of screen printing
Marco Wallraf, M.A. Design
Teaching assignment tablet drawing
  • Room: /
  • Phone: /
  • /
  • Frankenring 20

  • 47798 Krefeld
  • Consultation:

    By appointment via e-mail

Fritjof Wild, Dipl.-Des.
Teaching assignment design project
Ümüt Yildiz, BA Design
Ruth Zadow, Dipl.-Des.
Research assistant Krefelder Grafik Edition

faculty council

Prof. Nora Gummert-Hauser
Typography and Editorial Design Chair of the faculty council
Prof. Bernd Grahl
Object Design and Object Systems / Trade Fair and Exhibition Design Vice Chair Examinations Board
Prof. Etienne Heinrich
Motion Design Vice chair faculty council
Professor Richard Jung vom Fachbereich Design der Hochschule Niederrhein
Prof. Richard Jung
Communication design and corporate identity
Prof. Thomas Klegin
Design theory and plastic design
Anselm Strauß-Deli, Dipl.-Des.
Computer-aided design techniques, project supervision
Birgitta Thaysen, Photo artist
Research assistant Photography/Film Lectureship Photography/Film
Danny Eickemeyer, Dipl.-Kfm. (FH)
Department Manager Contact for press and cooperation inquiries
Jerôme Dutka
Student member of the faculty council
  • Room: /
  • Phone: /
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  • Consultation:


Jonathan Werner
Student member of the faculty council
  • Room: /
  • Phone: /
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  • Consultation:


Examinations Board

Prof. Dr. Kerstin Plüm
Chair Examinations Board Art and Design Science
Prof. Bernd Grahl
Object Design and Object Systems / Trade Fair and Exhibition Design Vice Chair Examinations Board
Prof. Dr. Sigrun Prahl
Equal Opportunity Officer FB Design Urban Design international coordinator
Anselm Strauß-Deli, Dipl.-Des.
Computer-aided design techniques, project supervision
Maike Held
Student Member of the Examinations Board
  • Room: /
  • Phone: /
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  • Consultation:


Johannes Kehler
Student Member of the Examinations Board
  • Room: /
  • Phone: /
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  • Consultation:


Study Advisory Board

Prof. Nicolas Beucker
Dean of Studies Chair Study Advisory Board Public and Social Design
Prof. Jochen Stücke
Drawing, Illustration and Artistic Printmaking
Anselm Strauß-Deli, Dipl.-Des.
Computer-aided design techniques, project supervision

(Kopie 4)

Welcome to the faculty student body of the Faculty of Design.

We represent your interests in university matters and try to bring life on campus a little closer to you. We organize various activities and events, such as the "Erstiwoche" (first week), as well as offer to be your helper or mediator in various matters related to your studies.

And if you want to get more involved in the faculty, just contact us.

If you have any questions or problems, please send us an e-mail to fachschaft02(at)hsnr.de or contact us directly at the university.

You can also find us on Facebook | FSR nullzwo

# You can meet us at regular intervals at the Fachschaftstheke.
# Again and again our introduction week is a big event.
# For a direct exchange of opinions we hold an annual general meeting.

Competence Centre Social Design

Design from Krefeld stands for holistic and society-centered design. In order to anchor the discourse on methods and topics of society-centered design in the Faculty of Design, the competence centre Social Design exists.

Social Design understands design as a commitment to empathy and responsibility for 'invisible total systems' in the design process. Based on this self-image, the competence centre Social Design accompanies study projects of various kinds. Researching and proactively designing, it devotes itself in particular to the subject area of "life in the city".

With its outstanding workshops, the design program in Krefeld builds on the tradition of the Werkkunstschule. Design from Krefeld is created through the constant alternation between reflection and practice. This includes a curious and constant engagement with visualizations, simulations, models, prototypes and design experiments of all kinds. For this purpose, the students find professionally equipped workplaces in the workshops and laboratories of the Faculty of Design, where they can develop their design competence independently and under guidance.

The workshops are led and supervised by professional experts such as designers, engineers, trained trade craftspersons and master craftsmen. It is not unusual for students to benefit from the double qualifications of their contacts.


Status: 18.10.2021


The library at the Faculty of Design is a workspace for collaborative and individual learning. In addition to books and journals, our lecturers and students also have access to audiovisual media and research databases. The broad portfolio of design literature is constantly being expanded with new publications. As a central venue, we regularly offer lectures, exhibitions and readings. We look forward to your visit!

The library is located in the basement on Frankenring.

Opening hours: Mon - Fri 8.00 - 18.00
Service hours: Mon - Fri 8.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m.

To the library

Materials library

Making good designs means not only recognizing and shaping the spirit of a thing, but also anticipating its material presence. We also know that new products often find their way into reality when inspired by material properties. That's why our Faculty of Design has launched a Materials Library, where students can experience the quality of materials firsthand.
The Materials Library is located in room N 206 and is open to students and university teacher / lecturers on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings during the semester.

To the Materials Library

With the designkrefeld edition we offer you the possibility to purchase limited publications of our faculty.

Future has tradition - these words summarize the intention of the non-profit support association and the Faculty of Design. For several decades now, the support association has been supporting the faculty under the guiding principle of regenerating people and the environment.

Sponsored exhibitions, excursions as well as productions that go beyond the scope of the university budget can be realized by the support association. Since 1995, the foundation of the Pro Creatione Association has awarded a design prize to outstanding students.

You too can sponsor tradition and make futures possible. Through your membership, you become a partner of the support association and can provide targeted support for students and design projects at the faculty. With your membership you
shape the educational space designkrefeld at the pulse of time. In doing so, you create structures that make the Lower Rhine location in Krefeld an attractive place for both existing and new companies. Together with you, we would like to overcome boundaries, educate the common location and make the creative potential visible.

Information flyer

Declaration of accession